Rules of where you live


Well-Known Member
What are some say unspoken rules that people mostly follow/the norm for people in your community to do/sarcastic common occurrences?

1. If you even see a single fucking snow flake run the fuck down to the grocery store as fast as you god damn can and buy every last fucking bread and milk you see. And if some mother fucker is beating you to it go kick their ass.

1.5. If 1 snowflake hits the ground CLOSE EVERY FUCKING SCHOOL.

2. J-walk like a mother fucker everywhere you go and give everyone you cut off a evil eye look.

3. Don't let anyone merge into your lane. You own that lane and let no one take it!

4. If you see a empty lot, chances are there will be a building there in a week.

5. If there is a parking lot, expect to pay for it.

6. Don't assume you have the right away, cause chances are the asshole across from you is thinking the same thing.

7. Don't go half a mile over the speed limit in Ooltewah. You will get fucked by 5+ cops with a ticket
According to my school:

1. No creative thinking allowed.

2. American Football is better than everything else and we should all love it.

3. "Dixie" should be appreciated as a school song and it absolutely does not imply anything remotely racist.
Rules at work:

1.) Happiness is forbidden.

2.) STFU and work.

3.) You can't wear cup headphones with one ear open, but you can listen to an ear bud with one ear open.

Rules where I live:

1.) You live here, you better somehow participate in EVERY FUCKING COMMUNITY EVENT!

2.) Don't even give a cop a funny eye, else, you're fucked kid.
What are some say unspoken rules that people mostly follow/the norm for people in your community to do/sarcastic common occurrences?

1. If you even see a single fucking snow flake run the fuck down to the grocery store as fast as you god damn can and buy every last fucking bread and milk you see. And if some mother fucker is beating you to it go kick their ass.

1.5. If 1 snowflake hits the ground CLOSE EVERY FUCKING SCHOOL.

2. J-walk like a mother fucker everywhere you go and give everyone you cut off a evil eye look.

3. Don't let anyone merge into your lane. You own that lane and let no one take it!

4. If you see a empty lot, chances are there will be a building there in a week.

5. If there is a parking lot, expect to pay for it.

6. Don't assume you have the right away, cause chances are the asshole across from you is thinking the same thing.

7. Don't go half a mile over the speed limit in Ooltewah. You will get fucked by 5+ cops with a ticket
Where I am, we have rule #4

Except it is forbidden for anything but a pharmacy or a bank to be built in said empty lot.

We have a Rite Aid. Then in a grocery store's strip there is a local pharmacy. Across the street from the Rite Aid they built a Walgreens. And just a little bit down that same street they built a CVS.
1: Address friends as cunts and address others as mates:
Scenario 1 (Friend) - G'day Cunt.
Scenario 2 (Others) - Hello Mate.

2: Make fun of anyone who uses centrelink (Welfare Payments) even if you're using it yourself.

3: Schedule a "1v1" fight with someone at your local train station and proceed to call 50 of your cousins because you're a hard cunt who can't fight his own battles (Generally applies to Lebo's).

4: Address Tony Abbot as a dickhead.

5: Everything Else.

6: 'Straya!
1. Be nice to everyone - we're friendly people.
2. Rule 1 doesn't apply if you're in a vehicle - we have a reputation as the 3rd worst city in North America to drive in and we'd better uphold it, come hell or highwater!
Rule 1: If you've dirtied your Holden because you ran over some kangaroos, wash off the blood with beer and use a schamoi (chamois).

Rule 2: It's largely inappropriate to pay for a train ticket; fuck public amenities.

Rule 3: Use as much sarcasm as possible, even to the point where you're going into perhaps four tenses.
This is important.

Rule 4: Make fun of Asians and then feel jealous of the fact that they will inevitably achieve more than you ever will.

Rule 5: 4:20 is a good time of day.


Rule 7: The pool is closed.
1) Nazi stuff is banned everywhere and gets punished. (In case some people don't know).
2) Be polite
3) Be polite to teachers, but teachers may kick your ass as much as they want
4) Schnitzel
5) Oh it's snowing? Don't expect the train to come on time
6) Laugh at Greece
7) Don't ever tell personal details to anyone, be as closed as you can
8) Go to Mallorca every fucking holiday (the Spanish hate us now, we have occupied their island :D )
9) Don't let the dog bark
10) Fuck all rules, we have beer

(Applies to where I live not to where I am from)
1. Don't even think about driving past a cop in a certain city, you will be pulled over and ticketed for anything they can think of.
2. Drive like you're a grumpy old blind man.
3. Be mormon or you won't be invited to anything that anyone participates in.
1. If you don't smoke weed, you suck
2. All sport players smoke weed
3. Chew is also considered appropriate instead of weed
4. You must walk to either short or long plaza every lunch.

That's about all nI can think of. For my school at least.
1. Everybody is conservative
2. Everybody loves snowcones with marshmellows on it
3. Farms, Farms EVERYWHERE
4. American Football is the best game ever, love it or get pummelled.
5. Baseball is stupid (cause the team is bad, so nobody cares about it)
6. Eat lots of food!
Rules of my home:

Also if anyone says anything nice about the movie "Priest", I will strike them with a blunt instrument.
1. Crosswalks are there to look pretty, if you use them you're a loser.
2. ALWAYS wear black at night.
3. NEVER use a blinker, they're lame.
4. That one gay guy ALWAYS has to dance and sing (badly) in the middle of town, or at the pharmacy.
5. He HAS to be wearing a. a bad wig, b. a prom dress, and/or c. high heels
6. Never look both ways while pulling out of Lisai's parking lot.
7. There has to be 5 pizza places, at all times.
8. 5 banks, as well.
9. The only 24 hr convenience store MUST be robbed at least twice a month.
10. Everyone is hiring.. they're just not hiring you.
11. Everyone's a pot head
12. Girls must be pregnant before the age of 16


13. Pixie doesn't follow rules 1, 2, 3, 6, 11 or 12

Oh, I almost forgot.
14. Every town that has useful shopping plazas (Walmart, Sears, Kmart, Staples, etc) MUST be at least a 45 minute drive away.
1. Crosswalks are there to look pretty, if you use them you're a loser.
2. ALWAYS wear black at night.
3. NEVER use a blinker, they're lame.
4. That one gay guy ALWAYS has to dance and sing (badly) in the middle of town, or at the pharmacy.
5. He HAS to be wearing a. a bad wig, b. a prom dress, and/or c. high heels
6. Never look both ways while pulling out of Lisai's parking lot.
7. There has to be 5 pizza places, at all times.
8. 5 banks, as well.
9. The only 24 hr convenience store MUST be robbed at least twice a month.
10. Everyone is hiring.. they're just not hiring you.
11. Everyone's a pot head
12. Girls must be pregnant before the age of 16


13. Pixie doesn't follow rules 1, 2, 3, 6, 11 or 12
But do you follow Rule 13? :p