Screw you Fox News (Not the player)

Check r/worldnews on reddit every now and then. Any story that pops up is usually there within an hour and most of time from a reliable source. If its not reliable the comments usually find one that is.
Eh comments don't....."Always"Give the most reliable source
Vors, think of the most scumbag news channel in Australia that lies, is manipulative, and is the most stupid one you can think of. Then brutally beat it with a phallus and throw it off a cliff then shit on it 10x over. That's fox news.
I know this - we do get Fox here.
Not that it's a good thing.

I mean, it's a news station that's tried to dismiss atheism as "waves on a beach" (tide goes in, tide goes out, you can't explain that).

It's actually funny to see such right-wing antics.
It's the kinda shit that makes us look down on Americans, eh?
I know this - we do get Fox here.
Not that it's a good thing.

I mean, it's a news station that's tried to dismiss atheism as "waves on a beach" (tide goes in, tide goes out, you can't explain that).

It's actually funny to see such right-wing antics.
It's the kinda shit that makes us look down on Americans, eh?
People always look down on Americans.But I really can't blame then.
If the parents tell their kids they are special and they can have anything they want it makes the kids think they deserve everything = selfishness.
Your argument makes the incorrect assumption that parents telling their children that they are special is equivalent to children believing that they can have anything they want.

Being special has nothing to do with being entitled. Your argument is invalid.
If I told you that you were special and got you everything in the world, then eventually you would feel entitled to get new things. What is it that you do not get? Sure everyone is special, but calling someone special by meaning their better than anyone else will make the person selfish.

Saying to your child that is say around... 7 year old, is the best Ballerina in the world and through that praise is making her feel special or your 6 year old son made the best picture in the world and it's a badly coloured in picture isn't bad, that's what people are translating as. That children shouldn't get praise. But I can see what your getting at. Children that get the latest iPones while they are, say, 9. Now Thats bad. Children that grow up to be spoiled brats, they're bad.

But Mr. Rodgers isn't doing those things, really.

But if what your saying is what everyone else is thinking, you're saying that children shouldn't be praised for anything they do.

If you are saying that. (I hope you aren't) Then you should get your outlook on life sorted out. That stuff causes children to grow up hating their patents.
If I told you that you were special and got you everything in the world, then eventually you would feel entitled to get new things. What is it that you do not get?
Being special has nothing to do with being given everything or told that you deserve everything in the world. No one was saying that it did. Except Fox News, but to be fair, they do require a subtle altering of reality to sell preconceived narrative in order to exist.
At one point in the video, the guy says "This man (Mr. Rogers) UNINTENTIONALLY ruined.." Kind of fucking up their own argument, as you can't unintentionally be "evil" and ruin the youth of all his viewers through a motivational message.
.....Does every thread that Admiral gets into end like this?
I don't know, but they do get pretty entertaining:

Thread discussing the universe:
The only aliens I know are illegal aliens.

Thread discussing cuteness:
My brother says "A good cat is a dead cat".

There are probably other examples, but I'm way too tired and not obsessive enough to go digging through the garbage otherwise known as Admiral360's posts.
About number one.....You see i'm 15 and I do sometimes think like that.When ever I would see a handicapped child having trouble I would really think what would Mr. Rogers do.If anything he gave me a huge life lesson.
I don't even remember the show, but I know I used to watch it. I've forgotten like 90% of my childhood. Fortunately, if I ever do need to recall something, my parents are a good reference. The furthest memory I have is when a bat flew into our house when I was five. And that's a long story that would probably derail the thread. In summary, my dad was at work and everything was chaotic until the neighbor captured the thing. Good times...

Now, how did I get there again?
Anyways, my opinion on Fox is that they always tend to exaggerate and use tons of opinion. Which is the exact opposite of what you want a news broadcasting corporation to be like.
I don't know, but they do get pretty entertaining:

Thread discussing the universe:

Thread discussing cuteness:

There are probably other examples, but I'm way too tired and not obsessive enough to go digging through the garbage otherwise known as Admiral360's posts.
Eh I will look though them later