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Server Down??

stupid beta
Horray! Are the characters account related or server related?

if the server is down no one can get on (including griefers) :£

I know that but I was going to go on again if it came online soon after. If it didn't I was going to go to bed, which I ended up doing. But I didn't want it coming back online while i was in teh sleeping. :p. If it comes back while I'm in teh sleeping I can't finish my build and the griefers might get to it.
Well, good thing I've been playing Beta recently.
Although, due to Murphy's Law, the Beta server will probably go down again as the Classic goes back up.
I would like to reiterate my request for an ETA for when the classic server gets back online. Moreover, I would like to ask that if an ETA is not currently possible, a vague time period is also good ie. 1 hour, 6 hours, 24 hours, 1 week, 2 weeks, or even just "days" just so I can get the idea of how often I should check back in. Thanks.
What's the matter? Forums aint as fun as classic?