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Server List

Woah, I got lots of feedback! All my alerts were for this thread lol (6+)
Back on topic: For mumble it was also cool.. It allowed us to see who was on, if any important people were on and in a way, it permitted me to see before i got on if the convos would be interesting.
Classic: Totally agree. Being able to see how many of each rank and if possible help would be needed was a cool feature.

Also, not related but also a suggestion, instead of having to tell/pm wooty when a server crashes, would be cool if we could 'poke' him in a way and he'd get an alert. Maybe an alert sent to his phone as SMS/MMS or a mail or just an important alert on the forums?
Also, not related but also a suggestion, instead of having to tell/pm wooty when a server crashes, would be cool if we could 'poke' him in a way and he'd get an alert. Maybe an alert sent to his phone as SMS/MMS or a mail or just an important alert on the forums?
Nice Idea again, but how would you want to prevent spamming?
So, you have two people spamming and then nobody can report? :/ bad idea!
unfortunately the possibility of people spamming it will shoot down every idea that will come up. i dont think there is a way to have a poke feature implemented correctly.
hmm, what about only allow certain people to 'poke'? such as ollee, casey, alimber, furkey, Ozy, akamus. you know, those that are really trusted by woot :)
kingjok3r said:
hmm, what about only allow certain people to 'poke'? such as ollee, casey, alimber, furkey, Ozy, akamus. you know, those that are really trusted by woot :)

:facepalm: wasn't the sense of the poke that normal members can poke admins if the server crashes? ^^
normal members would just cause spam, as mentionned. also, pokes by the trusted members would be less likely to be seen as spam.
it cant 'on'y be minecraft dudes, the people i mentionned are trusted by woot, not just cause of high rank in classic
yea, but to get that high rank woot has to have a good amount of trust in you, not only for involvement in classic, but for other things too.