Short unexpected break :(


Well-Known Member
Due to rising medical concerns I will be on a temp break from T9k. It should only be a month, but depending on further test results may be longer. I have no intention of leaving T9k of course, it's just I have to change lifestyle a bit and get organized before I can be back here in prime health. Matters to address:

Gamenights: Gamenights that I was usually hosting will be on indefinite suspension til my matters are resolved, Wooty will hopefully carry on a few gamenights here and there, but do not expect him to have that many up. If other members wish to host GNs then feel free to drop it on the official thread.

T9k Game Project: Teams are organized in what needs to be done over the time while I'm busy with matters, there shouldn't be much issues in this and I will check now and then to make sure things are going smoothly with the leads. Keep doing great guys and I'll hopefully be refreshed to bring some new ideas in and roll the project forward more :D.

Lufenia MC Survival: Already detailed plans for the month on the town convo, don't think there was more to add to it.

Pretty sure that's all I needed to detail, I'll be lurking around now and then, but for the most part I'm going to be trying to get better and get things done I've needed to do for awhile.


P.S. A few people in the Game Project department have my # for any issues, please check info convo for details on times to call before calling. Tyvm.
Good luck with the recovery process from whatever medical issues you may or may not have.
best of luck bored hope you get better soon and that you can have the best health possible mate.
Lifestyle change?

Gotta lay off dem hookers and blow, man. :cool:

But seriously, get better, and I'll see ya soon!
Just a quick check-in with update on stuff: Everything else is normal, just dealing with the one issue that was mentioned to a few people. I'm still continuing my month break, but things are looking pretty good :). Hope all is well and I'll cya l8rs T9k crew!

Glad to hear the good news mate! Get feeling better alright! BTW when you come back I'll be a married man :-D Much love bro.