So what kinda animals/pets do y'all own :3

Since most people tell also about their dead pets, here we go:
18 year old cat - Pingu - Went somewhere to die.
8 year old dog - Rinox - Jumped over the fence with an iron (leash?) and strangled himself due to a cannon shot (He got scared. And the mayor was an idiot)
16 year old (Indian BlackBird?) - Dodo - Died of fever (Old Age perhaps?)
2 year old Turtle - Unnamed - Eaten alive by my dog...
3 year old turtle - Unnamed - Unknown.

Alive (And turtle perhaps?)

6 year old Poodle (?) - Lilli aka :"TurtleKiller"
7 to 9 year old dog - Kira - Taken from the streets.
10 to 12 year old Yorkshire - Peggy - Taken from the streets again.

1 year old Cat - Lillo aka: "SoulEater" - His mom did not gave him milk anymore.

I have a female Golden Retriever who's 10 years old.... or 11?!?! Damit
Most favorit activities: Lieing around, sleeping, eating stuff which looks or smells yummy without permission, trying to get moar XD

I had a dozen of other animals too, but all beside the dog have died one after another already some years ago.
I have a female Golden Retriever who's 10 years old.... or 11?!?! Damit
Most favorit activities: Lieing around, sleeping, eating stuff which looks or smells yummy without permission, trying to get moar XD

I had a dozen of other animals too, but all beside the dog have died one after another already some years ago.


See, i'm not the only one.
Counting the pets my parents have at their house because I pretty much grew up with them....

4 Basset Hounds
From oldest to youngest
Daisy (She'll be passing soon she has Cancer of the Kidneys and her joints are going...She is 14 years old)
Boomer (My long haired Basset that has hated Godlib since the day he met him...For no good reason at all)
and Dixie

1 Black Lab
&Mike (He passed from cancer two years ago we had him since I was in grade school)

2 cats
Charlie *Stupid of my mother to name her cat that when my dad is a Vietnam Vet haha*
and our ConroD's cat Annabelle

Blue and Gold Macaw

We had two ferrets, Weasel and Twitch but we could not devote the proper time to them after we moved so we gave them to a good friend who already had more ferrets and more time to play with them.

and my mother had a Sulcata Tortoise, he got pretty big and during his play time one day he made it out of the doggy door and found himself a nice Gopher Tortoise and they ran away together.
rsmv2you said:
dr pepper

Best soda pop EVAR !!

List of all the pets I have owned:
2 Goldfish, I has like 2 when I had them so I don't remember their names.

1 golden retriever named Sandy, she passed due to old age

1 basset hound named Oscar, he was taken to an animal shelter (he ran away like twice a week)

1 golden retriever named Jake, he had to be put to sleep because he had a brain tumor

A couple gerbils

1 black lab named shadow, still alive.

1 mixed great dane/black lab mix named bella, still alive