Songs that stuck to your head...literally

loco roco theme song, i use to be able to sing the song a year ago. It became something that would never leave my head. Made me fail 2 math test :/
I have two things to say. *cough cough* okay getting my list ready. Okay here we go:
  • What the FUCK is wrong with you man? Why the hell are you watching this SHIT?
  • I would hate to be Casham if he's a Cocunut

You seem to be new here :3
[insert memethingy i cant coz ipod :D]
I have had the island pt1 and 2 by pendulum stuck in my head all week.
(this video contains both songs put together)
I've never had a song stuck to my head, but I would imagine it would look something like this:

You must listen to this. Or your life will not be complete.\
Just wait for the music at the start.