Space Colonization

Would it not be logical to establish a means of utilizing the planets in a way that is resourceful in themselves and instead colonize a single planet or two at most? Furthermore, in the first few decades of early space colonization, there lies implications for man and their ability to adapt to certain environmental conditions. As it was stated earlier in the thread, some planets are just so well appropriated for energy use solely and is futile. At least, for now the near future should be a concern for mankind's involvement with entering into a void very little known to us experimentally, first. Like, what suits should me what conditions on what planet to excavate or collect data? Begin small and work your way up. It will eliminate for those fantastical imaginings and place a little realistic perspective of things. I don't mean that we should detach ourselves from such good quality thought. I'm just saying that "7 to 8 billion years" from now is a long time for our next next generation to ponder about the next generation's regards to where we will end up. Who knows, maybe we will be integrated with a new form of adaptive species of space by then. So it's something that we have to worry very little about but a lot to think over. On a side note, I too think that Mars is the way to start off our first mission though. Source is from