Space is Key, a short review by Godliberator


Well-Known Member
Decided to get back into writing again and the best idea I have had is to start writing short reviews of games. This will be the first in the series, and if this gets some good feedback I will most definitely make this a standard for the betterment of the community and perhaps it will allow for a broadening of your horizons in terms to gaming.

I recently came across this little gem from Chris-Jeff games and Armor Games called “SPACE IS KEY”. You can find this game here --> <--

Upon starting the game you get this cute little start screen asking you to either start or continue

spaceiskey startscreen.JPG

I quickly select New Game and I am told to get ready as my tiny square self bolts across the screen in a flurry of tiny stars.

spaceiskey get ready.JPG

The premise of the game is simple. You are a tiny square running through tri-leveled worlds whilst avoiding objects in your path. If you touch an object, you explode, and the game keeps track of your deaths. At the end of each layer is a star that will teleport you to the next layer which you will move across in the reverse direction as the previous layer. Remember, space is key here, ergo, spacebar will be your only action button to allow you to jump over objects.

There are only fifteen levels in the game. The first few levels are fairly simple and require you to jump over simple one block objects of varying height and width; all of which can be maneuvered without much difficulty.
Come level four, those objects begin to move, and cause increased difficulty, and a few more deaths to add to your death count.

With level six, your character decides that it wants to try to freebase speed and shoot adrenaline into its eye sockets because it’s hardcore like a cheetah and it can taste clouds and feel colors. The difficulty is ramped up with this intense speed increase and several more deaths will be attributed to your death count.

Then there is level 10.

At this point you are traveling close to the speed of sound, if sound were techno music which constantly plays in the background. This level is hands down the most difficult level in my opinion, layer one and layer two are fairly simple and with good timing you can make it through with little problem, but layer three on the other hand, is almost guaranteed to cause you to become the angry German kid and place you on the verge of rage quitting. Level ten will add a lot of deaths to your death count

spaceiskey level 10.JPG

If you happen to be thirsty you will enjoy.

Rage cup.jpg

Eventually practice will make perfect and you will get past level ten. At this point you spend so much on the adrenaline speed cocktail you gave yourself and you decided you need to jump really high, because why the hell not? With level 11 comes increased jump and thank god your speed reduces. This does not mean that this is easier, but it does mean that timing is important as the obstacles are much larger and require precision in some cases to get past them.
Level 15 is does show some degree of difficulty as it is the last level, however once you get through you get a congratulations.

spaceiskey congratulations.JPG

The game will then ask if you would like to replay to try for a better score.

spaceiskey again.JPG

So far, my best is about 370 which is much better than my original 1300+ that caused me to enjoy a steamy cup of rage as previously mentioned.

Overall this game is fairly well done for how simple it is. The music may drone a bit, but it is not a bad tune to play this to. The words of sarcastic encouragement as you progress to each layer add a bit of a humorous tone to this game. You may curse its very name, but it will bring you back for more. Definitely check this out, and try to beat my score.
Leave your comments or suggestions below, and keep on playing.
I think I would like you to do your next installment of these small game reviews, because I have never saw this game before and it looks pretty neat- And thanks to your review, I can have some knowledge before I start playing this game.

Nice !
I played this game in the english class :D finished in 45 minutes... simple, yet a good time waster
If my pc could run starcraft, I would so play a pickup game with we will put a pushpin in this until I get my pc built.
Lemme know when that happens, I might roflstomp you but it'll be a learning experience. I'm not opposed to teaching people how to not suck so much.
Lemme know when that happens, I might roflstomp you but it'll be a learning experience. I'm not opposed to teaching people how to not suck so much.

There's absoutely nothing wrong with roflstomping people in starcraft 2, espically dancing marines and zerglings. But you need a gynecologist if you need to cheese to beat your friends, and a place in the hall of shame.

I don't play that much SC2 these days, its very stressful going up against random people... and my apm tops at 65. I'd still pretty much kick everyones ass sideways round here.
Wow......This went from; Game Review, Compliments, Exchanging of Scores to boast video game prowess, A single statement about it being too long, then BAM it became Sexual, then Malinax's pure hatred of....You know, then to Starcraft2.....I'm not sure what to think anymore. XP