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Squad 9001

that sounds like a terrible idea, lol not that we dont want you there but there is a lot of people we dont want just coming around

I can understand that, don't make it easy for the greifers to find it. How than do I visit? lol are you going to make me have to try to join first?
And just a general thing for everyone: When the settlement I'm working on is done, come visit.
Squad9001 Official City Plans

I'm planning to put this up to woot and make it official so anyone who has any ideas and inputs/suggestions can pitch in. This is serious btw.

Public Buildings and etc will be designed and built by S9K1.
This includes : Roads, tracks/railway systems, Main building, hospital, graveyard etc.etc. (Will probably come up with more some time in the future)

Although an underground city will take alot of work, the potential for such a city is almost limitless, seeing as we might have a whole map to expand under.

Potential Names : U-9K1, Undercity, Eden

Theme: Underground city with all the same features as ground level nature things. (Trees, Grass, flowers, Lakes, Waterfalls)


1) [Without whitelist] No building without a founder's approval
[With whitelist] Founders handle permits.

2) No fires and lava on the outside. This is eden, flames and lava is for hell. If you want those, go to hell.

3) 30 x 30 plots lot system. 30 x 30 is big so I expect minimal complains for lack of space. If you have a good reason and a good building, convince a founder and additional space will be granted. The main building is planned to be 90 x 90 blocks big so I guess the maximum size for any building will be capped at 60 x 60.
Squad9001 Official City Plans

I'm planning to put this up to woot and make it official so anyone who has any ideas and inputs/suggestions can pitch in. This is serious btw.

Public Buildings and etc will be designed and built by S9K1.
This includes : Roads, tracks/railway systems, Main building, hospital, graveyard etc.etc. (Will probably come up with more some time in the future)

Although an underground city will take alot of work, the potential for such a city is almost limitless, seeing as we might have a whole map to expand under.

Potential Names : U-9K1, Undercity, Eden

Theme: Underground city with all the same features as ground level nature things. (Trees, Grass, flowers, Lakes, Waterfalls)


1) [Without whitelist] No building without a founder's approval
[With whitelist] Founders handle permits.

2) No fires and lava on the outside. This is eden, flames and lava is for hell. If you want those, go to hell.

3) 30 x 30 plots lot system. 30 x 30 is big so I expect minimal complains for lack of space. If you have a good reason and a good building, convince a founder and additional space will be granted. The main building is planned to be 90 x 90 blocks big so I guess the maximum size for any building will be capped at 60 x 60.

I think that this is a good idea, but you cant(correction you can but the MCC was made to do it. You, if woot clears it will be busy I think making all the "public buildings") build the tracks/railway system. Gurw has revived the MCC so they of course are still doing there duties, and are currently trying to make tracks to all the main citys and later towns. There is already a track from EaglePass to Oxytown. Made by Hawketech and Number_J
We are an independent squad. If we make any cities it will be done only by us. We neither want nor need outside "contracts" to build our stuff for us. That's how we've been doing things so far, and seeing as how its all been going really well, will be doing things for the forseeable future.
I think an underground city would be cool. With the new towny system in place, I think it may be difficult to hand out 30x30 plots, 32x32 would be the second largest, next to 16x16. Also, since we have to pay for plots and all, I think it'll give the towns/cities a bit more of an feeling of a community. Any ideas where the town will be founded?
I'm thinking of using the same contribution system we've been using whereby instead of paying us for the plots, members pay for the space by helping us out where we need, mainly, right now, clearing the land for the city underground and builing the main roads and stuff. For now, expanding the city and claiming land should be done by the founders.
Cool. I guess I have the chance to be more involved now that it's a new world, and there's room for building and stuff.