Star Citizen

Patch 12.4 is out. Increased multiplayer and game stability, new sounds and better sound mix apparently. Oh, and multiplayer access was doubled, allowing the first 60,000 citizens access.
I received an email stating that I was invited to test Arena Commander's multiplayer, but my citizen number is somewhere around 130,000. I am assuming this is simply a general announcement.
I received an email stating that I was invited to test Arena Commander's multiplayer, but my citizen number is somewhere around 130,000. I am assuming this is simply a general announcement.

Nope, they are continually adding more and more people onto the servers since an invitation to 130k sounds like testing is going successfully.
Nope, they are continually adding more and more people onto the servers since an invitation to 130k sounds like testing is going successfully.
I received an email stating that I was invited to test Arena Commander's multiplayer, but my citizen number is somewhere around 130,000. I am assuming this is simply a general announcement.
Its been increased to 200k as of about 6 hours ago. GET HYPE
I'm 249k, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!!111!!!!!!!11!!1!!
Be happy you aren't this guy.
how an Aurora pilot experiences Spectrum Matches:
"Wow, look at all the Hornets and 300i's!"
*hears lasers
"'Press x to respawn.'"
how an Aurora pilot experiences Spectrum Matches:
"Wow, look at all the Hornets and 300i's!"
*hears lasers
"'Press x to respawn.'"

At least you can get into game, that's good news. Sounds like the early stages of the 200,000 access was full of bandwidth problems. Are there a lot of bugs going on in the matches when you aren't dying? Anything we should expect?
At least you can get into game, that's good news. Sounds like the early stages of the 200,000 access was full of bandwidth problems. Are there a lot of bugs going on in the matches when you aren't dying? Anything we should expect?
The only problems I noticed in the time I played were a little lag, which is to be expected, and rather sudden ends to the matches. (There is no indication the match has ended; the screen goes black before loading up the hangar again.) Otherwise, everything is fine; I just find it funny how I don't even hear the warnings before I'm dead.

It will be interesting to see how things pan out as the game is balanced; as of now I can take down a clumsy 300i pilot and hold out against a Hornet for a few minutes. It does not appear I could accomplish mutch in the persistent universe, but I will just have to wait and see. I have heard there might be an exploration or convoy gamemode, so I might fare better there. Perhaps I could acquire credits for a 300i through methods other than trade.
The only problems I noticed in the time I played were a little lag, which is to be expected, and rather sudden ends to the matches. (There is no indication the match has ended; the screen goes black before loading up the hangar again.) Otherwise, everything is fine; I just find it funny how I don't even hear the warnings before I'm dead.

It will be interesting to see how things pan out as the game is balanced; as of now I can take down a clumsy 300i pilot and hold out against a Hornet for a few minutes. It does not appear I could accomplish mutch in the persistent universe, but I will just have to wait and see. I have heard there might be an exploration or convoy gamemode, so I might fare better there. Perhaps I could acquire credits for a 300i through methods other than trade.

Thats good to hear, as that means they are working out bugs much faster than I expected. Keep in mind the Arena Commander you see now is miniscule in comparison to what their plans are for it. They plan on more maps, and there are still at least two more dog-fighting modes they plan on bringing. Finally, as you mentioned the convoy and exploration mode, they do plan on adding more game modes. In fact, they mentioned that the racing mode will be out here soon (within the next 6 weeks I want to say, but I personally think it will be sooner than that) and after that there is talk of an exploration and "trade" or "convoy" mode (among the possibility that there are even more unnamed ones too). Basically, their idea is that not all ships are designed to dogfight, so it wouldn't make since to balance them to be be equal with one another, as that would defeat the purpose of buying separate ships. Their plans are leaning to balancing the three ships now until they start adding all the mods in, this way people can change the parts of their ships and balancing won't mean anything. Introducing new game modes gives people without dogfighting chassis a chance to have fun and not die all the time.

Expect a lot to happen in the next two months as they plan to have v1.0 released before Gamescom and they have mentioned that there will be a big announcement or two at the Gamescom event also, in which they have hinted that it will be the FPS module (finally, ship boarding). After the two month mark they plan to finish v2.0 of Arena Commander which will grant even more game modes and maps, and more importantly, multi-crew ships. This information is probably not 100% correct, and it is most definitely subject to change, but count on that as the progression of content to expect over the rest of the year, plus a multitude of smaller content not mentioned like the hangar pass throughs, most of the single seat ships, and the room system, all in which are planned to be released shortly.
Cloud Imperium Games said:
Shield HP reduced
Shield regen delay increased
Shield changed from bubble shield to a front/rear shield
Shield face power allocation rate reduced
It looks like the Aurora was made weaker, but in my opinion it is now much stronger. The key lies in its new front/rear shield system and namely its slower but stronger lasers. Before the patch, I could get to wave 5 if I were lucky. I just managed to get to wave 10, and I had to end the game because my lasers kept overheating. Multiplayer is fun too, when I can connect. I have only been able to play one Squadron Battle match as of the patch.