Steve Jobs Is Dead

Yeah? What investments do you have in your portfolio?

Lets take POTG for example. The stock was up over a dollar a share last year and it dropped below 20 cents. I invested in it about a month ago and is already up almost 300%... Apple and Microsoft are and have always been low risk investments. Apple dropped 4 percent at the end of the day Tuesday and whoever invested in it at that point is already up 5% on their investment...
Yeah? What investments do you have in your portfolio?

Lets take POTG for example. The stock was up over a dollar a share last year and it dropped below 20 cents. I invested in it about a month ago and is already up almost 300%... Apple and Microsoft are and have always been low risk investments. Apple dropped 4 percent at the end of the day Tuesday and whoever invested in it at that point is already up 5% on their investment...
Right, but the time to buy is not when the stock is peaking at a 5% gain that day, the time to buy is right after something like this happened and people think that it's going to be the end of the company (even though Steve Jobs hasn't done anything with Apple for a while now) and the company is down 5%. Buy low, sell high. Fundamental principles.
Right, but the time to buy is not when the stock is peaking at a 5% gain that day, the time to buy is right after something like this happened and people think that it's going to be the end of the company (even though Steve Jobs hasn't done anything with Apple for a while now) and the company is down 5%. Buy low, sell high. Fundamental principles.

Unless you are being sarcastic you contradicted your original point.
I saw a picture of Steve in my airport and it was like a character trait, an I think it said something about knowing he could die the next day.. R.I.P, he was a good man
I think he was talking long term crane, that apple, no matter their administrative hierarchy, is a sound investment.

Also, *tear*
Yeah man, he pretty much single handedly invented the GUI that Microsoft bases their whole "windows" operating system off of... Correct me if I am wrong.
This thread is going to go 2 ways.
On a high tech monorail going through Disney land magnetized to the tracks going in the right direction....or....
This will be a train on a broken track with Hawk driving the train and there's a brick wall at the end of the track...
Which path do you choose adventurer...
I like bricks. Bricks please!
I don't know why I haven't blocked you yet, all you ever do is personally insult me without pointing out any specifics into why I actually deserve this from you.

Concerning lack of innovation I was referring to the new iPhone 4s. Generally i see Apple as more of a company that popularises technology by making it shiny rather than brings something new. We have to thank them for starting the touchscreen craze.
apple have done more to the social/popular tech industry than any other company
Uhh...that's as of 3:20pm, EDT. The markets were about to close for the day. They won't reopen until...9am EDT today or so. Any changes you see is either futures trading or speculation, and shouldn't really be taken into serious consideration. There may be a small dip, but I doubt it'll be substantial or worth much note.