Steve Jobs Is Dead

Take most of everything negative you have said negative to me. That's why. Also its just a joke. How can you not take a joke? Also by all means please ignore me if I annoy you "that" much. Also if you say anything I know will end bad I'll ignore you as well cause I don't want any conflict that will end badly.

I'm not in this argument but...
reading that hurts my brain.
I can correct you on that one: Both Microsoft and Apple borrowed the idea of a graphical user interface from the Xerox Alto.
As much as ive read/seen about it though, apple took that idea and used it first although you cant really say that microsoft had any idea that apple had done that untill they were already well underway with their own version of what eventually became windows
As much as ive read/seen about it though, apple took that idea and used it first although you cant really say that microsoft had any idea that apple had done that untill they were already well underway with their own version of what eventually became windows
Both microsoft and apple visited xerox in that period and saw the same machine. Apple even hired a bunch of Xerox employees into their company. Of course it's an improvement on the original but it's not their invention, they just developed the idea further. That's true to most of their popular products. Then there's consumer inertia
Both microsoft and apple visited xerox in that period and saw the same machine. Apple even hired a bunch of Xerox employees into their company. Of course it's an improvement on the original but it's not their invention, they just developed the idea further. That's true to most of their popular products. Then there's consumer inertia
They didnt use any of the xerox software or code to make mac os lol.

Oh and the thing apple got most out of it was the mouse whereas microsoft completely dismissed that idea untill later.
Eternal Flame for Jobs