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Suggestion in Regards to Potion Ingredients

I'm also against having the nether because of the resource depletion issue. Perhaps a single portal, the only one on the server could go to the nether, but I still think it would be better with the "dungeon" idea, and selling Nether Wart in the shop.

The resource depletion issue can be solved by regenerating chunks in the nether periodically.

The need for preventing players to create portals is emanated with the bukkit plugin I named above (Nethrar) but I am fine for one portal at spawn.

My problem with the dungeon is integrating it into the world. If not done correctly it WILL cause lots of problems. I'm not saying it can't be done right, I'm saying if a dungeon is done it needs WIDE SPECTRUM testing before it is implemented.

My worries about using a shop for selling commodities (AKA: non-unattainable items) like nether wart are illustrated in this blog post: http://www.sk89q.com/2011/10/economy-in-a-game-like-minecraft/
The only problem with portals is their potential for grief.

When a portal is made in the overworld, a corresponding portal is made in the Nether. Likewise, when a portal is made in the Nether, a corresponding portal is made in the overworld.

The Nether is about 1/8 of the size of the overworld. Thus, portal travel works like this:
Nether Diagram.PNG

This means that if a portal was made in the Nether, where it would lie in the overworld would be very hard to judge.

This means that a portal could indirectly grief, as when a portal is made, its corresponding portal will 'force out' other blocks.
We could just go MMORPG style, and have dungeons. They will be located far away underground, and protected. Once there, you and friends battle various mobs to reach the end. There will be a warp sign at the end which would transport you back to spawn. The items will be hidden in chests throughout the dungeon. By dungeon i don't mean wat is already in MC, i mean like WoW style dungeons.
We could just go MMORPG style, and have dungeons. They will be located far away underground, and protected. Once there, you and friends battle various mobs to reach the end. There will be a warp sign at the end which would transport you back to spawn. The items will be hidden in chests throughout the dungeon. By dungeon i don't mean wat is already in MC, i mean like WoW style dungeons.
That would be quite fun, I must say. By "dungeon" that's what I meant, it'd be quite fun to fight ghasts with your friends during some free time.
2 Ideas to solve the Nether resource problem.

Idea 1:
  • Disable portal creation for players.
  • use a plugin to have portals spawn every 1500 (187.5 in the Nether) blocks on X and Y (EX: Portals at {(0,0),(1500,0),(-1500,0),(0,1500),(0,-1500),(1500,1500),(1500,-1500),ect...}
  • Use Nethrar to directly map the portals to each-other to reduce lag

Idea 2:
  • Disable portal creation for players.
  • Install the Wormhole X-Treme Bukkit plugin.
  • Have a admin place and protect a stargate in the Nether (By Teleporting in and Derping the gate)
  • Have players donate materials for a gate at spawn to be built and protected by the Admins
  • Let players build stargates in the nether and in their towns after the spawn gate is built.

Both Ideas will solve the griefing problem mentioned by Vorsprung above and give us native nether access with directly mapped transportation (Lag-Free Transport to the nether).

The 1st Idea would require creating a plugin and might have issues with towns fighting over control of the portals.

The 2nd Idea is more convent for players but might mess up the transportation sector of the in-game economy unless gates are set to be made using "expensive" Materials (Lapis Blocks?). It will also add another community project for towns to do.

URL for the Wormhole X-Treme Bukkit plugin: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/tp-wormhole-x-treme-multi-world-capable-stargates-v1-011-1185.23973/
I still like the dungeon idea, but I think for nether wart, a plugin that allowed their growth on the otherworld would be great/ You'd just have to buy a single wart to start off with, and then some soul sand.