"T9KOTT" aka T9K's Official Toribash Thread


Well-Known Member
Now then, 1st off i'd like to introduce you* to one of the funnest games out there, that this community has not given enough attention,

Now that that's out of my way, i'd like to share my idea about this place.
I intend this to be the place for t9k's toribash players to:
start playing / help each other out / compete / enjoy the game

Now then, let me give you a little generic introduction to toribash:
Toribash is an innovative fighting game based on the physics sandbox model where YOU design the moves! Earn Toricredits by winning matches, then customize your character in the store! Trade items with other players. Win prizes in weekly tournaments. Climb the rankings. Earn your own Black belt. Better still: be one of the few who make it to 10th Dan! Toribash is Addictive! Try Wushu, Sumo, Kick Boxing, Sambo, Swords, Judo and more. Create fighting movies and post them on YouTube. Watch other players fight. Chat with them. Defeat them!

Most of all: IT'S FREEWARE!

Well then what are you waiting for? go register there, and let's take them on by surprise!!!

Oh and i'll add more stuff to this 1st post if this get's good feedback on here, i personally think this game is awesome, and it would be awesome to play it with my t9k buddies!

*you - the people on here who doesn't know about it yet
I'll start an account soon ^_^ I remember playing this game when it was just stick figures haha
Alright then guys, i't be cool if you added your toribash names/the achievment,stats picture thing, so i could start adding them to the main post
Played. It's kinda hard to rip people in half and slam their head on the ground. It did keep me entertained for a good while.
All shall play.
my username is like X892147
not quite sure why.
Played. It's kinda hard to rip people in half and slam their head on the ground. It did keep me entertained for a good while.
All shall play.
my username is like X892147
not quite sure why.

try using swords, i've managed to cut off both the arms and the head
I remembered this game... Really hard to make a guy stand straight and upright.

And their limbs feels like they were attached with gluesticks.
I went though the tutorial feeling like a total badass. I couldn't get past Uke, even after three tries. Failure. I has it. ;(
:D it's totally normal guys, you really need to understand what to do before you become a complete badass, i suggest learning some judo openers from youtube etc, it gets you there faster ;D

btw here's some more eye candy for you to feast upon ;D
note that this isn't the original music, if you want the real sound, open up your winamp and play en credits by chase and status :P