"T9KOTT" aka T9K's Official Toribash Thread

I have created a move called The Castrater.
I'll upload it to youtube at some point.

Look forward to it.
woah, haven't seen this in quite a while :D
and guess who got into his old account :o
goddamn I forgot how sexy I looked ;D now just need to remember how to play :D

also, lol! Uke has a little knob thingy on his head now :D
So yeah, after this thread got revived, I downloaded TB with the goal of starting playing again.... then i didn't play it until today... and damn i surprised myself... indulge in this replay of my first time trying out TB in years... and I will update this with a youtubes in a second, for all those not having TB, as I think it kindof shows a small amount of awesomeness that is TB...

I realise that the page is in Latvian, just press the blue button that says "Lejupieladet" under the file name to download.

To get my textures to show, type /dl rem0ved or /dl id rem0ved, fairly sure that's how it worked
