Team Fortress 2 MvM

Other important information!

Teleporters can go both ways. This is really useful on maps where there's tanks or giants, because you can run backwards and forwards across the map.

Engies are indispensable. Sentries can take half a tank's health away in 5 seconds. However, Engies are more useful because they have Dispensers. Dispensers are incredibly important. Running out of ammo is really easy in MvM, and having a constant ammo (and health) source is vital.

Medics should use Kritzkriegs. They allow for overheal, charge quickly, and the crits are very useful against giants or tanks. My friends and I found that a good tactic to employ is to build charge in the (massive) setup time, and deploy it on a Demo (still in setup time) so he can place a field of fully critical stickies right where the robots land.

Scouts are OP; they respawn instantly and can collect a lot of cash really quickly. However, they lack the stopping power to fight anything. Mad Milk is useful, though.

Soldiers are really good, full stop. They should use Buff Banners. You'll be able to fill up the meter several times a wave, and the minicrits are useful. Additionally, an upgraded Buff Banner has no range, so that once deployed, everyone on your team gets buffed.

Demos are totally needed. They are, perhaps, the single most damaging class in MvM.
Heavies are rather useless, however. I found them to not be that useful.

Snipers and Spies, similarly, are pretty rubbish. Although Jarate has a prolonged effect, and Spies can sap robots, they're too weak; too situational to have any benefit.

Also, one thing I noticed is that robot Spies are really buggy. They'll often just stand still in one spot, and do weird shit.

best medic tactic i use is put max attack rate on ubersaw and stab the shit out of all the pesky robots then uber a teamate and repeat.
I want to play some tonight. (about 2 hours from now till 10 hours from now)
I am also going to buy a whole load of tour of duty tickets and team surpluses.
So anyone who wants to join me feel free. Can the team9000 servers do MvM?
Also: Spies aren't that bad. You can run up behind a whole group of whatever class and take pretty much the whole group out in one backstabbing spree. This is good for clearing a heavy wave. If you add crits on kill to your knife even backstabs that dont hit properly will turn into a critical normal stab.
Does anyone know what has to be done to get robot killer weapons?
I want to play some tonight. (about 2 hours from now till 10 hours from now)
I am also going to buy a whole load of tour of duty tickets and team surpluses.
So anyone who wants to join me feel free. Can the team9000 servers do MvM?
Also: Spies aren't that bad. You can run up behind a whole group of whatever class and take pretty much the whole group out in one backstabbing spree. This is good for clearing a heavy wave. If you add crits on kill to your knife even backstabs that dont hit properly will turn into a critical normal stab.
Does anyone know what has to be done to get robot killer weapons?
I can answer all those questions.

1. When you go to make a T9k Launch Server, there's an option to make a MvM one as opposed to a regular one. However, I'm not sure if Woot has updated yet, so they might be unusable.
I'd also highly recommend you put a password on the server, otherwise it will be filled with F2P Scouts as soon as you can say "Fishscrotum".

2. Botkiller weapons are hard to get.
To get one, you need to complete an entire Tour of Duty. This is a real feat; not only will it cost you 6 tickets, but actually completing 6 whole rounds is near impossible. Shit's difficult even on Easy mode.
You'll also need a Squad Surplus Voucher (I think).
All Botkiller weapons come in Strange variety. On completion of an entire tour, you'll get one random Botkiller weapon.
Botkiller weapons are just Stock weapons for each class with robot Heavy heads attached to them (via chains and other shit).
Silver (regular) Botkiller weapons are more common. Gold Botkiller weapons are rare as balls.

All in all, Botkiller weapons are incredibly hard to get, due to luck, cash and skill being part of the equation.
They can also be bought for massive fees, as can the robot accessories such as the U-clank-a and the Tin Pot.
Botkiller weapons are just like better Festives, really.

Hope that helps.
Tickets pls
Well things happened and I don't have tickets.
Will be buying some during this week though.
For now I'm going to practice the fuck out of MvM and find good tactics.
Anyone who wishes to join me may do so whenever they like.
Well things happened and I don't have tickets.
Will be buying some during this week though.
For now I'm going to practice the fuck out of MvM and find good tactics.
Anyone who wishes to join me may do so whenever they like.
I shall join you in approximately 22 hours time.
We shall show them how the Australians do it
I really enjoy this game mode, especially playing with you guys <3. The gameplay is very difficult and challenging, which I like since it forces me to think more tactically, rather than just shooting whatever happens to be in my reticule (although I'm sure that's still encouraged). I still need to work on figuring out what stats to boost for which class to be most effective. Although, when I was playing as a medic, I found that increasing the medigun was top priority, and that I need to use a different weapon, besides the crossbow...
I have completed two of the six maps in MannUp mode, and I have found that it is extremely important to have a team who communicate with each other!
i got to round 6 of 6 with my freinds in Mann up mode and literally we couldn't pass it. we retried it like 6 times over and failed every time. also a tip to doing good in mann up mode is there are ass loads of giants and if you use a sydney sleeper on them it takes seconds to kill them, its also handy for sniping uber medics that are hiding like little bitches behind the giants. if you deal a crit with a sydney sleeper that charges up to full jarate it can deal 900 damage :D
I really enjoy this game mode, especially playing with you guys <3. The gameplay is very difficult and challenging, which I like since it forces me to think more tactically, rather than just shooting whatever happens to be in my reticule (although I'm sure that's still encouraged). I still need to work on figuring out what stats to boost for which class to be most effective. Although, when I was playing as a medic, I found that increasing the medigun was top priority, and that I need to use a different weapon, besides the crossbow...
The Crossbow is okay if coupled with the Amputator.

You see, when you equip both those weapons at once, the Medic's health regeneration rate is increased from +3 health a second to +4 health a second. It doesn't sound like much, but that can really help you. The power or capability of the Crossbow is not important! Really, Medics should focus on healing their team rather than actively attacking. Besides, the Crossbow is a really nice weapon. At long range, it's a killer. Fire it down the range at Decoy or Coal Town and you're bound to do damage. :)



thought you guys would like this <3
Can someone let me know if we're starting a game? :P

i dont even think they do them anymore. it's sorta old, and it's a tad bit extremely, unbelievably, outstandingly easy. boot camp MvM isn't really challenging at all.. mann up is challenging but you have to pay 1$ per match beaten.
i just played MvM for an hour and a half until i beat it so i could get a bot killer weapon, and this was my fourth attempt. and you fucking know what happened? everybody in the game but me got a strange botkiller weapon. EVERYBODY BUT ME. These mann up matches are boring, tedious, frustrating, and long as hell, you cant even get up to eat or go to the restroom or you lose the round. and im only in it for the items. and i got 1 quick fix out of it. i used a tour of duty ticket, and a squad voucher on that match to get a fucking quick fix, good 3$ down the drain to get a weapon i already had 3 of.( and no, i didn't beat the mission before). im steaming mad right now. i was unfairly the only one to not get a rare item that is worth 13 keys. FML
i just played MvM for an hour and a half until i beat it so i could get a bot killer weapon, and this was my fourth attempt. and you fucking know what happened? everybody in the game but me got a strange botkiller weapon. EVERYBODY BUT ME. These mann up matches are boring, tedious, frustrating, and long as hell, you cant even get up to eat or go to the restroom or you lose the round. and im only in it for the items. and i got 1 quick fix out of it. i used a tour of duty ticket, and a squad voucher on that match to get a fucking quick fix, good 3$ down the drain to get a weapon i already had 3 of.( and no, i didn't beat the mission before). im steaming mad right now. i was unfairly the only one to not get a rare item that is worth 13 keys. FML
You probably don't understand. You need to complete all 6 Mann Up Missions to get a Botkiller weapon. If you only complete 1, you get a regular weapon.