Team Fortress 2 MvM

I'm so confused.
I don't know what to do.
It's like my whole existence has come to a point and this is it.
I have found the meaning of life.
There is no tissue box in the world big enough to contain the tissues needed to wipe the floor of my semen right now. This. This is the pinnacle of tf2 updates. This "plot twist". This glorious addition to an already awesome game.
To answer my own question from before....the recipe apparently makes a TF2 notification for all online players that links to the new comic...
I actually could make it, but my only vintage hat is a white-painted brain slug, which I am no way in hell crafting into anything :eek:

EDIT: Nevermind I don't have anything level 37 :(
So we are going to fight robots of the 9 classes right? So I'm going to put this out:
1. Robots are going to be VERY easy to backstab if they aren't good.
2. Robot spies are gonna DEMOLISH us if they are.
3. Will Red and Blue just form one team?
4. Will we fight them in CPT, King of thr Hill, Cp? Or something totally new?
5. Please God dont give the robots hats.
What would be really neat is if it makes a robot for each player, with same loudout and amount of skill based on that player's average lifetime, points etc. for that class. That way, the player would need to be really dumb to take on their robot counterpart alone, and everyone would be forced to use teamwork.
So we are going to fight robots of the 9 classes right? So I'm going to put this out:
1. Robots are going to be VERY easy to backstab if they aren't good.
2. Robot spies are gonna DEMOLISH us if they are.
3. Will Red and Blue just form one team?
4. Will we fight them in CPT, King of thr Hill, Cp? Or something totally new?
5. Please God dont give the robots hats.
Gray seems like the kind of guy that doesn't tolerate hats. Therefore we must kill him.
So we are going to fight robots of the 9 classes right? So I'm going to put this out:
1. Robots are going to be VERY easy to backstab if they aren't good.
2. Robot spies are gonna DEMOLISH us if they are.
3. Will Red and Blue just form one team?
4. Will we fight them in CPT, King of thr Hill, Cp? Or something totally new?
5. Please God dont give the robots hats.
From what I can deduct...
1. Chances are they're going to have a massive healthpool, so one back-stab/headshot may not put them down, especially if a robot Medic has them overhealed.
2. This is likely, but chances are they'll have the vanilla load-outs. Meaning no Dead Ringer to worry about. Just need pyros on spy-checking and we should be good.
3. This will likely be the case, if they do in fact have the increased health they are rumored to have. Plus, the comic kinda set this one up.
4. Likely a new game mode, like destroy the tank before it reaches a certain point or something. Or maybe it will be a brawl-type game where you have to kill a certain number of robots.
5. Give the robots hats? No. Give us robotic hats? I'd think so.
We're awesome.

ALSO, If anyone is going to discuss the awesomeness that is the new comic. Keep it in spoiler tags for now.

Lastly, the pixellated map. Do you guys think they will be the new MvM maps?
Because the world map and this one don't match up very well.
Hold on now. I'm sure the tank has something to do with it. The tank is located in 4 maps: Badwater Basin, Double Cross(Nightfall), Granary and 2fort. Looking at the image closely, you can just barely make out various locations that look similar that are located in those maps. Now, find their locations on the map. Only two are labeled: Badwater, and Teufort. Using the the terrain of the other two maps as guides, it's a good guess that they are located here:

With that, they can be linked like this:

If what Shepettan says is true and the locations of Meet the Medic and Meet the Pyro are shown in the pixelated map, then the third location has to be somewhere in the triangle.

Also... Does anyone remember this scene in Meet the Medic?

Let the speculations commence.
Hold on now. I'm sure the tank has something to do with it. The tank is located in 4 maps: Badwater Basin, Double Cross(Nightfall), Granary and 2fort. Looking at the image closely, you can just barely make out various locations that look similar that are located in those maps. Now, find their locations on the map. Only two are labeled: Badwater, and Teufort. Using the the terrain of the other two maps as guides, it's a good guess that they are located here:
View attachment 126585
With that, they can be linked like this:
View attachment 126586

If what Shepettan says is true and the locations of Meet the Medic and Meet the Pyro are shown in the pixelated map, then the third location has to be somewhere in the triangle.

Also... Does anyone remember this scene in Meet the Medic?

Let the speculations commence.
What do you think that is? It doesn't look like any of the robots.
It may be worth pointing out that the map isn't actually oriented pointing north. I rotated it here so that it has north facing up, although I doubt it matters. I haven't been able to find any hidden symbols or anything in this orientation.