Team Fortress 2 Trade Thread

Timed Drop? o.o
I personally suggested 0.99 cents, as that's what a ToD Ticket costs, and I think that's the cheapest thing on the store.

Or, at least, it's something you can only get on the store, and something worthwhile buying.

And something that I would exchange for you a number of items.

The best thing to do would be to buy that 0.99 cent ticket, and then buy a $30 bud. If you have the money, that's what you should do.
I'm morally opposed to spending any sort of money on TF2 myself personally (I don't want to make a habit of it), but if you buy a bud, that 27 keys should be more than enough to get you everything you'll ever really need.

Give me a bud, and I can buy you the world.
It is a Harvest Moon Pith Helm.
Level 94.
1 of 1. i.e. It is the only one in the world.
Give it a few weeks :p

New unusuals, although in their initial release they can have massive values, tend to have a dramatic drop very quickly.