Team9000 Fitness

If you regularly work out now and haven't seen an improvement in your physique, you may want to start mixing up your work out routine. Your muscles can get into a "rut" after working out for so long (more commonly known as plateauing) and you'll see very little, if any improvement. This is because you do the same work outs week after week and your body builds muscle memory for these routines and so your body works less than it used to since it already knows what to do. Your best bet to keep building muscle/definition is to mix up your work outs and try different exercises. You should probably develop a new routine and follow that for maybe a month, and then mix it up again and use either your old routine, or a different one. This will work. I've done this before and lost about 40lbs over the course of 90days.
If you regularly work out now and haven't seen an improvement in your physique, you may want to start mixing up your work out routine. Your muscles can get into a "rut" after working out for so long (more commonly known as plateauing) and you'll see very little, if any improvement. This is because you do the same work outs week after week and your body builds muscle memory for these routines and so your body works less than it used to since it already knows what to do. Your best bet to keep building muscle/definition is to mix up your work outs and try different exercises. You should probably develop a new routine and follow that for maybe a month, and then mix it up again and use either your old routine, or a different one. This will work. I've done this before and lost about 40lbs over the course of 90days.

Not going to lie, muscle confusion is amazing.
"Is your screen plugged in? My dad is an IS tech"
Lol. But anyway.

Best exercises to build defined abs?
I have no body fat and a good core strength but I want to start building some muscle.
Focusing mainly on abs and chest.
What do?
Sit-ups are good for starts. Then do leg lifts to get the lower abs stronger, lay on your back, and lift them as high as you can do it and leave them there for 5-10 seconds. Do those multiple times a day and you'll be pretty toned.

As far as chest, there are lots of things that are good, but push ups are the ones that get your chest and arms the most. Even just 50 on your knees every day helps. But try to do them without using your knees.

You could also go to a gym and find all sorts of exercises for your torso. There are a ton.
I just really hate running :p And other substitute? I don't live near a gym, and I don't have very much control over what I eat.
My legs are solid mountains of pure strength, my arms are defined, my cardio and abs however *SPLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH* How do I get cardio from anything but running? My hips are bad so I can't run for any period of time, but can do other things, thinking if I lose belly fat, my hips will be less stressed, any tips?
I just really hate running :p And other substitute? I don't live near a gym, and I don't have very much control over what I eat.
My legs are solid mountains of pure strength, my arms are defined, my cardio and abs however *SPLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH* How do I get cardio from anything but running? My hips are bad so I can't run for any period of time, but can do other things, thinking if I lose belly fat, my hips will be less stressed, any tips?

Swimming or biking, but you would have to do a lot more
I know that feel bro, running sucks if you don't do it regularly.

Sit ups man. It might firm some of that up, but really swimming is a full-body workout and it will tone just about your whole body.
Swimming or biking, but you would have to do a lot more
I know that feel bro, running sucks if you don't do it regularly.

Sit ups man. It might firm some of that up, but really swimming is a full-body workout and it will tone just about your whole body.

I LOVE swimming!

how should I start?
For a healthy lifestyle, follow this series of videos:

I don't want tone really, I look ripped but I never work out, I'm naturally muscular, I feel like I could be Godzilla with a little bit of muscle lol
Because this thread was about starting a Team9000 fitness "program" and now people who don't know what they are talking about are jumping in here and giving misleading information in a thread that was never even originally designed to help people. The point of this thread is to see who is interested, not to actually help people.
Because this thread was about starting a Team9000 fitness "program" and now people who don't know what they are talking about are jumping in here and giving misleading information in a thread that was never even originally designed to help people. The point of this thread is to see who is interested, not to actually help people.
Well you could just ignore this thread now lol. If anyone's genuinely interested I'm sure they'll approach you.