Team9000 Launch - Notice of Temporary Suspension

Temporary lasts for a couple days/weeks, this is more/less an extended suspension at this point.
Temporary lasts for a couple days/weeks, this is more/less an extended suspension at this point.
It is basically the equivalent of telling a kid whos pet died that it is going on a vacation somewhere. Years later they ask about it and you go "What pet? Oh you mean fuzzy whiskers? Yea he kicked the bucket years ago!"
Ching chang chong gay kin jong


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The Launch platform had some issues that just weren't worth the time and effort to fix given how little the system was being used by members of the community (as opposed to people who sign up just to play Garry's Mod, because they saw a YouTube video on a dead account with no actual affiliation with Team9000 calling it a free hosting service, which it never has been and never will be).