Team9000 Launch - Now with Game Servers

Does this include Terraria and other games not previously supported by T9k?
We're not going to support Terraria, Ace of Spades, Minecraft, or GMOD due to load constraints. The first two are windows only (and must be run under windows emulation), and the second two eat cpu cycles like it's their job.

Why not add Battlefield 3?
Battlefield 3 doesn't support self-hosted servers. You can only "buy" a server through ONE hosting company.
Does this include Terraria and other games not previously supported by T9k?
We're not going to support Terraria[...]
Besides, the way Terraria works it's not something you'd really want to be using Launch for, what with worlds being something you'd want to keep. Not to mention it has the "Host & Play" if you don't feel like messing with the dedicated server.
Besides, the way Terraria works it's not something you'd really want to be using Launch for, what with worlds being something you'd want to keep. Not to mention it has the "Host & Play" if you don't feel like messing with the dedicated server.
If there ever was a reason for having a server for terraria, you could just code a t9k launch plugin for tshock....
We're not going to support Terraria, Ace of Spades, Minecraft, or GMOD due to load constraints. The first two are windows only (and must be run under windows emulation), and the second two eat cpu cycles like it's their job.
Technically there is Macterraria, and from my friend's experience one can connect to online servers...
1. Is it possible to see the launched servers somewhere, so you can check if there is a tf2 server launched already, because then you don't need to launch another one, because that would prevent things like 5 servers with all 3 players or something in it.
2. Can we make possible that the servers will be deleted when there is a event, so we will have many players in there?
3. This idea is awesome, thanks for making this possible.
This seems super abusable. Is there something in place to stop a malicious user from launching 9001 servers and making the box asplode?
Very nice feature, thanks! :D

I'm curious, did you have to write the code yourself? I don't see anything like this elsewhere.
The launch server list needs more Moonbase AaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaeoooooeaaaaaaaaLPHA.