
I'm conflicted with this game. Because the first time I saw it I was like,


And then I found out Notch approves of it and now I'm like,


And really it looks pretty awesome. Though on the other hand, looks a bit...odd, with the UI. Menu's look like they're a *****
I'm conflicted with this game. Because the first time I saw it I was like,


And then I found out Notch approves of it and now I'm like,


And really it looks pretty awesome. Though on the other hand, looks a bit...odd, with the UI. Menu's look like they're a *****

This is the way I look at it; Minecraft, Terraria, Infiniminer, etc., are all games in what I believe is a new genre of games that is going to become very popular - world building. So to say this is a Minecraft ripoff - which wasn't the first of it's kind anyways - is to say that every FPS is a ripoff of Doom/Catacombs 3D. Or that every adventure game is a ripoff of King's Quest or earlier adventure games which I can't think of atm.

You could go as far as saying as they have been inspired by previous games that are similar, but to go so far as to say they are copying or that they are a ripoff is a disservice to this emerging genre, and will only stunt progress on a new type of game category, which I think will be producing much more elaborate and engaging world building titles in the future.
Ended up deciding to get it. Pretty fun really. With Minecraft being abit weird with this update and the server being down, playing Terraria now gives me something to do, lol. Haven't done too much yet really, but I did mine abit. And mining is actually fun in here. Where Minecraft is more building and less fighting, Terraria seems to be more fighting and less building. So far as I've seen anyway. A bit more action orientated.

So is that server there private or is it open to people? Would be nice to do something with people here.
Yea, this game definitely is more focused on combat and survival as opposed to the building aspect. That's not to say that you can't build elaborate things in this game, but Minecraft has the advantage of being in 3D.

The server isn't private, but it's not up all the time. I think Wooty is planning on creating a dedicated server when they have the software available.
I realized I made my character's hair slightly too light of a blue...but I already got a couple life crystals so I don't wanna waste those by starting a new one xP

And, much like minecraft, my house is a rectangle with little inside.
Was going to start a new world, then found a dungeon. And then I deconstructed said dungeon incase I wanted to use green brick/blue brick wall in someone I make.
Nice, don't think we've found any blue brick wall yet on our worlds.

Keep in mind that you can use all the stuff you find in single player in a multiplayer world, so you don't really have to worry about losing all of your progress in the SP world. If you have stuff in chests, you'll have to manually transfer them to your character in order to bring them to the MP world, but most of the important stuff like items, would probably be transferred in one or two loads. I also heard that you can't use dungeon back wall for housing with regards to getting NPCs into your town. I honestly don't know if it's true or not, but it's something to think about when making NPC buildings.
Hmm. Well I figured out on my own about transferring between worlds. I originally started with a character I tried to get to look like whats in my avatar but that didn't work out so I created a new character in the same world. And I haven't done anything with NPCs yet, I do need to build more. I only have two small rectangle buildings. Probably will start a new world for that rather than this one I kinda trashed a bit.

That's another experiment...I wonder if using dungeon materials underground will cause skeleton heads to come at you like actual dungeons do when you haven't defeated the boss yet.
I honestly feel like this game really isn't worth going crazy over. Really, it is 2D. So basically cities are completely flat, houses can not be very fun. Traders are a complete rip off, and the other NPC's are really a waste of time. Slimes are out during the day, which means you have to kill the pesky rats before you can even think of building a house to survive the night. I never really cared for mining either. People say mining in Terraria is "fun" but I feel like there are no dimensions, probably because there are not. Long story short, Terraria was not worth my $10 and I have already un-installed the game.
Well Mr. Grumpypants, if you didn't like the idea of the game, what exactly was the reason you get it in the first place? :P

I looked up a lot about the game before I got it. I knew what I was getting, and I like it fine.
TheXraptor, I would really like to play the game, may you borrow me your account? I just want to try it out, and after you dont use it anymore, it doesn't change anything for you, exept of the fact that you made one person on the world happy :)
I honestly feel like this game really isn't worth going crazy over. Really, it is 2D. So basically cities are completely flat, houses can not be very fun. Traders are a complete rip off, and the other NPC's are really a waste of time. Slimes are out during the day, which means you have to kill the pesky rats before you can even think of building a house to survive the night. I never really cared for mining either. People say mining in Terraria is "fun" but I feel like there are no dimensions, probably because there are not. Long story short, Terraria was not worth my $10 and I have already un-installed the game.
Haters gonna hate.
I honestly feel like this game really isn't worth going crazy over. Really, it is 2D. So basically cities are completely flat, houses can not be very fun. Traders are a complete rip off, and the other NPC's are really a waste of time. Slimes are out during the day, which means you have to kill the pesky rats before you can even think of building a house to survive the night. I never really cared for mining either. People say mining in Terraria is "fun" but I feel like there are no dimensions, probably because there are not. Long story short, Terraria was not worth my $10 and I have already un-installed the game.
