TF2 Competitive team

There is potential prize money involved. I will have to look into dates (we might have tryouts). As far as I know, the teams are 6 people. We can have substitutes though.
There is potential prize money involved. I will have to look into dates (we might have tryouts). As far as I know, the teams are 6 people. We can have substitutes though.
Not to be rude or anything (I'd quite like to be on this team, as you know)... But if you were looking for a team of 6, why post the thread in the first place?

In professional TF2, teams are of 6. Normally, play is restricted to Soldier, Scout, Demo and Medic, with sometimes exceptions for Heavys and Pyros.
That was a good read, I would say good for scout and spy when needed, I am a pretty good demoknight, not so good with stickies.

Did not see anything mentioned about the liberty launcher so if that is not banned I can do soldier, otherwise I am pretty useless without it.

My medic is good, but not that good.

Anyone can play heavy

Huntsman sniper, yes, normal sniper no.

It seems that pyro is already covered

I would like to think my engy is credit to team.

Theres my take on my team play.
To be honest, I'm happy to play anything. I'm a competent player in any class I'm given. I'm especially effective as an Engy. I love playing as Pyro (hence why I have such a 'cult of obsession' about him), and I'm happy playing Medic, too.
I once got 105 points as a Medic. Without killing anyone.
To be honest, I'm happy to play anything. I'm a competent player in any class I'm given. I'm especially effective as an Engy. I love playing as Pyro (hence why I have such a 'cult of obsession' about him), and I'm happy playing Medic, too.
I once got 105 points as a Medic. Without killing anyone.
Hey Vorsprung, just wondering whats the most number of points you got as a pyro?

These are mine. And no >.< I didn't go to an achievement server
Hey Vorsprung, just wondering whats the most number of points you got as a pyro?View attachment 73187
These are mine. And no >.< I didn't go to an achievement server
I'm not sure. Probably not that good... Really, I just enjoy playing as Pyro.

But I know that my most points as a Medic is 105.
And my most-played / most kills class is Engy.
How to play pyro and heavy: spray and pray.
Not really.

If you just waste your time spraying as a Heavy, you are viable to headshots and backstabs. As of such, always keep moving, and don't deploy your Minigun any more than you have to. Spin up pre-emptively before you go into a firefight. A good plan is to stick with a Medic - Medics love healing Heavies, and a Heavy Uber push is deadly. Also, be a human shield for your teammates. Your large hitboxes will stop enemy fire. Coupled with a Medic, this is a good plan.

Pyros, however, can be more-or-less safe with just spraying. Spy-checking is important, so spraying your flames everywhere isn't too dumb a option. Stick with an Engy. Pyros are an Engy's best friend, because they are the perfect anti-Spy device. Sit on a Dispenser and just continually burn away. If a Spy saps your Engy's buildings, you can use a Homewrecker to fix that problem. The Flare Gun - and the Detonator - are also useful for picking off Snipers.
Not really.

If you just waste your time spraying as a Heavy, you are viable to headshots and backstabs. As of such, always keep moving, and don't deploy your Minigun any more than you have to. Spin up pre-emptively before you go into a firefight. A good plan is to stick with a Medic - Medics love healing Heavies, and a Heavy Uber push is deadly. Also, be a human shield for your teammates. Your large hitboxes will stop enemy fire. Coupled with a Medic, this is a good plan.

Pyros, however, can be more-or-less safe with just spraying. Spy-checking is important, so spraying your flames everywhere isn't too dumb a option. Stick with an Engy. Pyros are an Engy's best friend, because they are the perfect anti-Spy device. Sit on a Dispenser and just continually burn away. If a Spy saps your Engy's buildings, you can use a Homewrecker to fix that problem. The Flare Gun - and the Detonator - are also useful for picking off Snipers.
the sensei has spoken :D
have to admit its all true, i hate it when people on pub servers just go apeshit with heavy not minding their team or surroundings >.>