The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim


Well-Known Member
I've always been a big fan of the Elder Scrolls series and from the recent trailer I don't believe it's going to disappoint.
I played Oblivion for over 1000 hours... and I plan to do the same with Skyrim :D. And I am going to get a new PC to run it!
Wow, stunning. I can not wait to play this game till people think I am dead and come looking for me!
Hopefully it will good as they have been sprnding alot of time on it. (also I hope it has a good construction set with it)
The TES construction set was half the fun of oblivion, I did some crazy things with it hehe
Just about another month down. It will be here in no time!
Theres gunna be nirnroot, and Horses, and DUEL Wielding, and NEW BOW and SPELL Mechanics, and NEW ANIMATIONS, AND DRAGONS!
Been an avid fan of the series since Morrowind
(1&2 although fun just aren't the same game and i really dont even consider them part of the same series)
I love the TES Construction set and very often spend more time with this then the game itself.

I am always running mods that make combat realistic meaning the guards/enemies can and will kill you in just a few hits. You also don't have the enemy looking like a porcupine with 20+ arrows sticking out and there still running at you. Makes the game much more fast paced and challenging.

Anyone buying this for the console is just dumb. You are missing out on 80% of the game even if you never use the construction set yourself.

Side note: between this and D3 I may forget what the sun looks like for a while
Anyone buying this for the console is just dumb. You are missing out on 80% of the game even if you never use the construction set yourself.

My first version of Oblivion was for 360 and I use it to play the game properly without any mods. (Also it was the first game I got that didnt come with it.)

I do have Oblivion and Morrowind GOTY for pc and those versions I have never played properly because of the ESCS/GECK