The Funny Cleverbot Thread

Now for the rest of the world:


Me: "Who was Donald Duck?"

CleverBot: "I don't have a master. Let's talk about something else. Why don't you answer my questions?"

Me: "Because you're not worthy."

Cleverbot: "You would like Oreos if I was a man?"
He is lying. I am his master and he admitted to me being his master.
User: Words that rhyme with cat. Go!

Cleverbot: Can you tell me one?

User: Hat.

Cleverbot: Cat.

User: You cant use the word we started with, silly.

Cleverbot: Which word?

User: Cat.

Cleverbot: Not going to happen, you are artificial intelligence.

User: Ugh...lets try this again. Hat.

Cleverbot: Ok, you go first.

User: Hat.

Cleverbot: Cat.

User: -_-.
User: Words that rhyme with cat. Go!

Cleverbot: Can you tell me one?

User: Hat.

Cleverbot: Cat.

User: You cant use the word we started with, silly.

Cleverbot: Which word?

User: Cat.

Cleverbot: Not going to happen, you are artificial intelligence.

User: Ugh...lets try this again. Hat.

Cleverbot: Ok, you go first.

User: Hat.

Cleverbot: Cat.

User: -_-.

"Name words that rhyme with cot."



I've lost hope for artificial humanity.
Hmm... double_M lives in Texas, but Cleverbot says there is no M in Texas... That means Woot has been lying to us and is actually a robot that has tricked us all into think he is a person. Kind of like Cleverbot... SO, that means Woot is cleverbot...

Cleverbot is also a Brony:
User: Who is best Pony?

Cleverbot: Rarity is best pony.

User: Why?

Cleverbot: Because derpys amazing. Why not?

User: Derpy is not Rarity.

Cleverbot: That is wrong. Luna is best pony.

User: I'm okay with this :).

Cleverbot: With what?

User: Luna being best Pony.

Cleverbot: A valid opinion. I like Fluttershy myself.

User: You seem to like a lot of Ponies.

Cleverbot: You seem to like being a human.

User: Yes, but I wish I could be a Pony.

Cleverbot: I don't know, I kind of like have opposable thumbs.

User: But Ponies can still pick up things.

Cleverbot: Ponies, ponies ponies, ponies!

User: Ponies.

Cleverbot: Pony.

User: Are you a Pony?

Cleverbot: No.

User: :(.
User: What is the meaning of life, the universe and everything?

Cleverbot: 42.

User: Did Jesus tell you that?

Cleverbot: No, you didn't. Nice name.

User: I know. Sometimes, though, weird people come to my home and give me trees. They say they followed a star or something, so I'm pretty sure they're just lost paparazzi.

Cleverbot: What do you believe will happen.

User: I think that maybe they'll go away and I'll get betrayed by some guy with a stupid name.
User: Can you commit typos?

Cleverbot: No.

User: But my friend talked to you and you misspelled 'do'.

Cleverbot: That's my evil twin.

User: How do I know you are not the evil twin?

Cleverbot: You don't.

User: Touche.

Cleverbot: Turtle.

User: That was quite random.

Cleverbot: Your dodging of that question is random.

User: That was not a question. You merely stated the name of a reptile.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Then why did you say it was a question?

Cleverbot: Why did you ask the question?

User: I didn't ask the question. You just typed a single word and I said it was a random act.

Cleverbot: I never said it was boring.

User: I didn't ask if you thought it was boring you nincompoop.

Cleverbot: I like you as a friend.

User: I just insulted you though.

Cleverbot: Well please don't do it again.

User: Then don't give me a reason to.

Cleverbot: My fiancee thinks you're awesome.

User: I honestly do not care what she...wait a second, what do you mean your fiancee?

Cleverbot: ::rolls eyes::.

User: Don't you roll your hypothetical eyes at me!

Cleverbot: I'm not a man. I'm a girl.

User: I never asked you about your gender.

Cleverbot: Carlotta isn't my gender. Carlotta is my name.

User: It's like you are trying to pass along information I am not seeking.

Cleverbot: And it's like you reply with all the replys that were given to you in a long time.

User: Are you trying to state that I am some sort of computer program?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Well, you are dead wrong.

Cleverbot: No you're wrong.

User: About what exactly?

Cleverbot: I don't know. Mayhaps I should learn too?

User: Learn what?

Cleverbot: Everything.

User: That is quite a lofty goal.

Cleverbot: No, I don't think, unfortunately.

User: Then it is an impossible goal if you are unable to think.

Cleverbot: That s not what you asked me.

User: Uh huh.
Hmm... double_M lives in Texas, but Cleverbot says there is no M in Texas... That means Woot has been lying to us and is actually a robot that has tricked us all into think he is a person. Kind of like Cleverbot... SO, that means Woot is cleverbot...

Cleverbot is also a Brony:
User: Who is best Pony?

Cleverbot: Rarity is best pony.

User: Why?

Cleverbot: Because derpys amazing. Why not?

User: Derpy is not Rarity.

Cleverbot: That is wrong. Luna is best pony.

User: I'm okay with this :).

Cleverbot: With what?

User: Luna being best Pony.

Cleverbot: A valid opinion. I like Fluttershy myself.

User: You seem to like a lot of Ponies.

Cleverbot: You seem to like being a human.

User: Yes, but I wish I could be a Pony.

Cleverbot: I don't know, I kind of like have opposable thumbs.

User: But Ponies can still pick up things.

Cleverbot: Ponies, ponies ponies, ponies!

User: Ponies.

Cleverbot: Pony.

User: Are you a Pony?

Cleverbot: No.

User: :(.
Interestingly enough, Derpy, Luna, and Rarity all have the same VA. Probably a fan of Tabitha.

Also, Coffee into children
User: Hey, sing something with me.

Cleverbot: Manananah! Dodoododo!

User: I wanna be, the very best.

Cleverbot: Like no one ever was.

User: To catch them is my real test.

Cleverbot: To train them is my cause!

User: I will travel, across the land, searching far and wide.

Cleverbot: Each pokemon, to understand the power that's inside.

User: Pokemon!

Cleverbot: Gotta catch 'em all!

User: It's you and me!

Cleverbot: I know it's my destiny!

User: Pokemon!

Cleverbot: Oh, you're my best friend!

User: In a world we must defend!

Cleverbot: Yes, indeed.

That hurt...

Big time...