The Future of Team9000 Minecraft


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Fwew, it's been a tough week on the Team9000 Game Engine front! We've got full rigid body physics in place, an entity management system, player controllers, the works. Work is moving along quite swiftly! The latest build of the Team9000 Game is always available at , but may be broken (or simply show a black screen) at any time.

Anyways, let's get down to business. If we don't find a new manager for the internal Team9000 Minecraft servers, I will be shutting them down within the next few weeks, and shifting focus to incorporating and putting the spotlight on the great servers provided by our community members. The server powering the old Team9000 Minecraft will be recycled and incorperated into more power for Team9000 Launch / Team9000 Game Engine.

What I am looking for in a Minecraft Manager:
- Someone with passion for minecraft and a passion to learn or a history of admin / dev experience
- Someone with experience in running various server mods for Minecraft (tekkit, etc.)
- Someone willing to sign a short duration non-compete (after all, you'd be getting full access to our systems, we don't want you running off with them :D)
- Someone over 18 years of age.

Whether or not we find someone to fill this position, Team9000 will continue bulldozing forward!

PS: Mini-golf and bowling coming soon to a Team9000 Game near you.
so, from what I am getting from this, if we don't find someone to run t9k MC, it will no longer be a thing? >.>
If I had the knowledge, and the age. I'd be perfect. I have pretty much until December of free time where I'll basicly be doing nothing. But alas, I am not eligible. Hopefully someone will sign up.
Hi. You never did get back to me, so should I assume that you don't see me as a good fit? Either way, I shall continue to support the existence of both the Bukkit server and any modpacks the community wishes to see. And of course the new manager, if found, will have the same support from me as you do.
I have more time then I know what to do with and a somewhat equipped media server that I could easily convert, it's already running Linux, and I use it for LAN sometimes. That said, I don't know if people would feel safe with me handling the whole server, I'm not as known as I could be.

Also, my internet is a complete, unmanageable clusterfuck. It's literally out 3/4's of the time. That's the biggest hurdle. And then there's the age requirement.

I would do it if I could, but my internet kind of wrecks the whole thing.

The game engine's nice...
IMO, spotlighting community servers is a GREAT idea. It encourages creativity, exploration, discovery, and a greater sense of community. just my 2/100 of a dollar.
Just thought I'd mention that I know a pretty great server and gaming community. Would be awesome for T9K and the one I know of to get together...

Anyways crabbie and I may clash at times but I'd be up for him if he'd do it. I'm sure he could run a great server.
I'd put my name into the hat, but I haven't had much experience with running a server. Wouldn't mind learning, and I don't want to see the t9k server go away. I enjoy playing on it, and I feel Minecraft, although dying down a bit, still has plenty to offer people in terms of playability. I still find it fun, as do a lot of others. Once again, if it means keeping the server up, I'm willing to learn all I need to do, in order to do so.

On a sidenote, loving the progress with the game so far. Can't wait for the minigolf. :P
Crabbie may have the knowhow to run things, but crabbie has no self control when it comes to being in power.. of anything. If you want everything strict, and everyone constantly yelled at or banned, go ahead..

I don't see why we can't have a "check and balance" system for t9k MC to prevent that, like we do for our government; instead of giving pretty much all of the server software and such to one person, give it to two or at most 3 people that are trusted not only by woot, but by the community. They would keep eachother in check, similar to how each branch of government does it.
I don't see why we can't have a "check and balance" system for t9k MC to prevent that, like we do for our government; instead of giving pretty much all of the server software and such to one person, give it to two or at most 3 people that are trusted not only by woot, but by the community. They would keep eachother in check, similar to how each branch of government does it.

problem is... power begets evil.
Hi. You never did get back to me, so should I assume that you don't see me as a good fit? Either way, I shall continue to support the existence of both the Bukkit server and any modpacks the community wishes to see. And of course the new manager, if found, will have the same support from me as you do.

i wouldnt mind gurw as an admin ive played on his server and hes good about it.