The Future of Team9000 Minecraft

I'm all for letting us spotlight community servers. I think it's time to bring team9000 minecraft to a close. We've been at this a long time, and things have been slowing down for a long while. I know it's tough to say good bye to something that we've all spent so much time with. Something that we all love so dearly, but honestly, I think it's about time we move on to minecraft and focus on something else. Instead of focusing on getting our minecraft server updated (And popular the first month after a wipe), we should move on to something new.

Team9000 isn't a minecraft community. We're a gaming community. While minecraft has been instrumental in our growth, it's not the only thing we do here. There are a lot of special things going on here that you won't find anywhere else on the internet. Team9000 launch is a service that other communities could only dream of. The video player has always been awesome, our Mumble server is second to none. We're getting our own video game (Maybe two!). We've grown so much over the years, but minecraft isn't all that we are.

We can move on from this, there is a whole other world of video games out there. Moving to servers run by our amazing community members may be the best thing for minecraft on Team9000. After all, the server has been suffering for a lack of focus for a while now. It has always been "Why can't we have Tekkit... or PVP... Why aren't beds enabled?" well, the answer now is... if you don't like the way one of the servers is made... make one yourself. We have a great group of people here, many talented in running servers, with a great passion for minecraft, but not everyone likes to play Minecraft the same way. Supporting those in the community who have the vision and assets to create there server, and maybe even proving them with some support, could bring team9000 to a whole new level.

I've said it many times before, and I'll say it again. With or without minecraft, we'll still be team9000. We'll still be here, and We'll still be awesome.

Very well put.

With a spotlight on community operated servers not only do we encourage experimentation, discovery, and perhaps comradery, we also stay relevant to minecraft and not completely lose that audience.

As much as some people would love to continue running our server, it'll be cool to have the "MC Server of the Month", or one of our members saying "Hey, I have some cool mods, check out my server". Not only does this relinquish some inconvenient responsibility to Sonic, it creates a bonding experience between server ops, and members. Which mods are coolest? Which server is coolest? CanIHasOp? threads. :D

I love the idea. It's a win-win. We free up resources, stay relevant to minecraft, and encourage members to venture forth and be creative. Might I add, this also allows us to get the variety of minecraft flavors that everyone is always asking for.

How can we lose?
Very well put.

With a spotlight on community operated servers not only do we encourage experimentation, discovery, and perhaps comradery, we also stay relevant to minecraft and not completely lose that audience.

As much as some people would love to continue running our server, it'll be cool to have the "MC Server of the Month", or one of our members saying "Hey, I have some cool mods, check out my server". Not only does this relinquish some inconvenient responsibility to Sonic, it creates a bonding experience between server ops, and members. Which mods are coolest? Which server is coolest? CanIHasOp? threads. :D

I love the idea. It's a win-win. We free up resources, stay relevant to minecraft, and encourage members to venture forth and be creative. Might I add, this also allows us to get the variety of minecraft flavors that everyone is always asking for.

How can we lose?
Unfriendly rivalries between server operators. This has already happened twice to my knowledge, and none of the members involved still consider themselves part of this community, there's just too much animosity.
Unfriendly rivalries between server operators. This has already happened twice to my knowledge, and none of the members involved still consider themselves part of this community, there's just too much animosity.

What about the animosity over who is chosen to operate OUR server? It seems many feel as though they deserve the title. Some butthurt is sure to follow.

As with life, people need to behave themselves. If not.. there is the door.
I feel like keeping the Minecraft servers between individuals would be the best idea. I have no new opinions to offer, just saying I agree with Jerzey/Crane and all the points they made.
What about the animosity over who is chosen to operate OUR server? It seems many feel as though they deserve the title. Some butthurt is sure to follow.

As with life, people need to behave themselves. If not.. there is the door.
I'm not saying either option is better. I was providing a negative possibility to your post since you asked for one.
First congrats to bored about the health stuff.

Second His mentioning being the one to do it catches my interest. Every time I've had any comms with him, or interaction at all for that matter, has gone quite well and nicely. He's a great guy and I think would do great. I'm going to vouch for him and +1 him through and through. Maybe we could just have a vote and see what players/members thing. Ultimately it comes up to Woot/Sonic, but a poll to see who more favored would be an equal way to give everyone an opinion. What do you guys think?
As Crane stated, if anyone takes up control of the server Popularity should not be a factor that is even considered. Just because one is popular, that doesn't mean they'll do a good job at managing the server and fulfilling the requirements necessary for the role. Look at the numerous political figures, monarchies and leaders throughout history who ruled on popularity alone and see how well they turned out.

In my personal opinion, whoever takes control of the server should meet the necessary requirements and be able to manage the server efficiently. Realistically, if I was going to recommend anyone it would be Gurw considering he's the only community member that I have personally seen that has done a fantastic job at running his respective servers. However, that does not necessarily mean he is the most suitable person for the job, as there may be other members of the community that I may not have personally experienced that have a lot more experience in the matter at hand.

In short, Popularity is a factor that should never be considered in choosing a leadership or managerial role, as popularity does not constitute ones ability to excel in these roles.
I whole heartedly agree that popularity/entitlement is not part of the criteria for running the server, however I would assume there would still be a requirement of being known as a 'trusted' individual among the community.

Honestly I would recommend Gurw or Kagato based on previous experiences I've had with them and their devoutness to the community if we continue with the main Team9000 Survival server (I threw my name into the mix because I've been an advocate of helping continue the community as a whole and I have previous experience with running servers with mods like Essentials/Group Manager/World Edit/etc. and some experience with Linux systems albeit not linux server experience, but quick to research, learn, apply.) If we go with the community servers idea that would be awesome, but at the same time it would divide people among the different servers. There could also be more issues associated with community servers, for example: Player A doesn't like Player B, Player B runs a server, Player A joins server and trolls Player B, Player B bans Player A from server and tells Player C, Player C and Player A are buds, Player C has server and bans Player B for banning Player A, shitstorm ensues. Course that example is if the wrong people are sponsored for community servers and even with that there are other issues... Woot/Ozy would probably be the ones responsible for managing the community server list and a ton more issues would be presented to them in lue of this I.E. Why is blah blah's server down, can't you fix it? Tell blah blah to have this enabled on his server! Etc. etc. etc...

Just adding my 4 half cents.
I just wanted to add that, personally, i would prefer to keep our existing community together, than to split it into numerous factions
Aaand with my spare mental change i think we have a total of 6 cents now?
I just wanted to add that, personally, i would prefer to keep our existing community together, than to split it into numerous factions
Aaand with my spare mental change i think we have a total of 6 cents now?
People are already splitting into factions. We may still have survival up, but you now have a max number of ten people on at a time. Whereas Feed the Beast has like 30 at a time, Voltz has a few, Patchie's Tekkit server... we're already pretty much doing exactly what the alternative would be, just not on the level it would be moved to if survival were to be removed.
we're already pretty much doing exactly what the alternative would be, just not on the level it would be moved to if survival were to be removed.

It pretty much is on a level close to where it would be if survival shut down; Over the past few days when I went to survival, it was only me. Granted, the server is still at 1.5.1 and outdated a bit, and you need a client to get to it. That much I can understand. I feel like if we were to update survival, we would have a fair amount of traffic like we did before it got "frozen" into 1.5.1. Don't get me wrong, i'm all for the community run servers and all, I just think that what's going on now works; We still have the main server that connects all of us when we want to play/talk on a vanilla scale, and we also have other servers branching off, made by members, using different mods and such to play.

I like MC this way, because it offers a lot of variety, plus if one wants to get "back to basics", they could go to T9K's survival and play that. if they want a modded server, they can go to one of the members' server for a change of pace.

Just my Opinion :3

It pretty much is on a level close to where it would be if survival shut down; Over the past few days when I went to survival, it was only me. Granted, the server is still at 1.5.1 and outdated a bit, and you need a client to get to it. That much I can understand. I feel like if we were to update survival, we would have a fair amount of traffic like we did before it got "frozen" into 1.5.1. Don't get me wrong, i'm all for the community run servers and all, I just think that what's going on now works; We still have the main server that connects all of us when we want to play/talk on a vanilla scale, and we also have other servers branching off, made by members, using different mods and such to play.

I like MC this way, because it offers a lot of variety, plus if one wants to get "back to basics", they could go to T9K's survival and play that. if they want a modded server, they can go to one of the members' server for a change of pace.

Just my Opinion :3

Keeping team9000's Survival server up for nostalgia purposes seems like a waste of time and resources. Contrary to popular belief, our survival server is not what unifies us as a group. Our website, and other services are what unify us as a group. We can still be one group while playing across multiple servers, especially if those servers are mostly filled with people from team9000. The idea that we need to have a 'Vanilla' server to unify the factions is kind of ridiculous. If you view team9000 not as a minecraft server with a forum attached, but as a gaming community with several different kinds of excellent services, having community driven servers makes more sense.

Due to Wooty Wooty's refusal Inability to do anything half assedly, the server that runs team9000 SMP is quite costly in both time and resources. In my opinion, it's not worth keeping if (almost) no one is going to play it. If decommissioned, the server could be used to extend other Team9000 services, or simply saved. No matter what the term "Server Farm" sounds like, servers do not grow on trees, they are not free, and they are not unlimited. Team9000 is a free website, and we're very lucky to have what we do, but it doesn't always make sense to keep everything forever no matter what.
Pls go childperson12.

Definitely a fan of a community driven server. A few guys that actually have the know how, then possibly a structured way of gathering ideas/input from everyone and seeing what is viable, what isn't and if Vorsprung dildos the topic at hand.
I'm honestly struggling to tell if this is a bad thing.
What's wrong with a bit of sardonic sodomization?
I keep things on track, back to back, and relaxed.

Now back to topic?

Team9000 Launch is, in my opinion, perhaps the thing that sets T9K apart from other communities. Sure, other gaming sites have their own servers, but how many communities do you know have a service where you can boot up a server on demand for whatever game you like? (Within restrictions, also that's a rhetorical question dickheads)

I say scrap T9K Minecraft. Minecraft servers are a dime'a dozen; anyone can make one. We've seen many of our own members hosting their own servers, and I'm sure that trend will continue regardless of whether T9K has an official server or not.

T9K Launch is pretty special. More investment in that, or more investment in other areas, would be worthwhile.

Or who knows, I didn't really read the thread really thoroughly. Crane's got the idea, Gurw should do everything, Lukeperson is a waste of oxygen, and I'm contributing meaningfully.

We can do anything, kids