The Future of Team9000 Minecraft

I'm honestly struggling to tell if this is a bad thing.
What's wrong with a bit of sardonic sodomization?
I keep things on track, back to back, and relaxed.

Now back to topic?

Team9000 Launch is, in my opinion, perhaps the thing that sets T9K apart from other communities. Sure, other gaming sites have their own servers, but how many communities do you know have a service where you can boot up a server on demand for whatever game you like? (Within restrictions, also that's a rhetorical question dickheads)

I say scrap T9K Minecraft. Minecraft servers are a dime'a dozen; anyone can make one. We've seen many of our own members hosting their own servers, and I'm sure that trend will continue regardless of whether T9K has an official server or not.

T9K Launch is pretty special. More investment in that, or more investment in other areas, would be worthwhile.

Or who knows, I didn't really read the thread really thoroughly. Crane's got the idea, Gurw should do everything, Lukeperson is a waste of oxygen, and I'm contributing meaningfully.

We can do anything, kids
That was coherent. Either my head's broken, or Vorsprung is starting to make sense.

Either way, this isn't good.
Team9000 Launch is, in my opinion, perhaps the thing that sets T9K apart from other communities. Sure, other gaming sites have their own servers, but how many communities do you know have a service where you can boot up a server on demand for whatever game you like? (Within restrictions, also that's a rhetorical question dickheads)

I say scrap T9K Minecraft. Minecraft servers are a dime'a dozen; anyone can make one. We've seen many of our own members hosting their own servers, and I'm sure that trend will continue regardless of whether T9K has an official server or not.

T9K Launch is pretty special. More investment in that, or more investment in other areas, would be worthwhile.

What might be interesting to do is to look into if it is feasible to add a Minecraft server with FTP access to the Minecraft Server Library (.minecraft for you PC users) to Launch. This would allow for Modded Minecraft servers managed by users with some experience to host on the Team9000 Launch Service.

If that is not feasible it might be worth it to just add some file hosting to launch so the community Minecraft server maps can be hosted their. This would allow for server migration if the server Owner decides to be a dick and hold the map hostage. (This happened to a Non Team9000 Community Affiliated Tekkit server that I played on during the Minecraft 0.1.8 days).

A third thing that might be interesting to look into is if it is possible to make Launch able to run ANY server without causing problems.