The Hardest Boss You've Fought?


Well-Known Member
I wanna know some seriously tough bosses. Like, REALLY tough.


1. Bosses that appear as regular enemies later DON'T count. They are considered just enemies to me.

2. Mini-Bosses may count. Rule 1 applies to mini-bosses as well.

3. Try to back it up! Explain WHY you'r boss is so tough.

4. If you already said a boss...make more! It's perfectly okay.

5. Comment on other's bosses. Did you find the boss hard, or was it so simple if you did it right?

I'll start.

I find the boss the HAG-1 from Banjo-Tooie extremely difficult. Because I'm so lazy, click here to find my reasons for it's difficulty.
The final boss in Majora's Mask was damn near impossible my first playthrough. It was mostly due to the fact that I only had one full row of hearts and that I was 8 at the time.

The final form: "MAJORA'S WRAITH" took so long to figure out that I was on the verge of tears (I was 8, don't judge).

Things that make this boss hard:
-It's so freaky that you want to shit down both pant legs.
-He has long tentacles at the end of each arm that are used to whip you around in all sorts of ways.
-Most of your weapons are pretty useless against him.
-At one point, he will start creating spikey, spinning tops that follow you around. They're quite hard to avoid and they will easily get you from behind. When they stop spinning, they fall over and explode.
"The Fallen" from The Last Remnant.

It is an optional boss and is missable if you don't meet the requirements to fight it. Also, if you don't kill it, you miss out on 4 achievements in the game. Here's some of this guy's bullshit:

Gets an additional attack at the end of most turns.

Can multi-deadlock all of your unions. (Can attack all of them at the same time with an AoE)

Must be defeated within ten turns. If not, instant game-over.

Uses Miracle at the start of any Turn except Turn 8-10 if its health is down to 30% and uses it every 3 Turns or if the Miracle stat up wears off if used before Turn 7. If this amount of damage hasn't been dealt by the end of Turn 7, it will use Life Spring and fully recover its health.

Hit Points:
XBOX: ~ 450,000
PC: ~ 390,000
Hard Mode: ~ 400,000

I have only seen 3 people beat him legitimately on the Xbox version... Three.
The PC version allows you to use any configuration of allied troops including ALL main characters in the game.
The Xbox version will only allow the use of 4 main characters and the rest of your troops have to be mercenaries with lower stats and abilities.

I had it for the Xbox. I did not defeat him.

This guy did an extremely good job of organizing his unions and upgrading them properly before the fight. He makes it look easy.

Not the very hardest, but he's up there.

From Mortal Kombat 3 (was pretty tough in MK2 but MK3 was Hell)
Every appearance after MK3 is SO toned down compared to this that I didn't feel like I was fighting the Emperor of Outworld. Plus in his most recent appearance, he becomes easy if you just learn how to fight him/become very good with Raiden. Back then, it didn't matter who you used, you just died.
While on the subject of MK3 put this guy up here as well.

Motaro is arguably HARDER THAN SHAO KAHN!!! He was fast, super ranged, super powerful, couldn't be stunned, and somehow predicted ALL of your moves before you even knew what you were doing. I hate him, I about threw my controller out the window and if I fought him in the arcade I would bet I would've thrown $10 away.

If you ever play MK3, expect a painful last two battles.
This fucker.

Vermivorous the Invincible.

Just the name tells you this dickhead's gonna be hard.
Vermivorous is a raid boss in Borderlands 2. He's not encountered like normal bosses in that you have to spawn him.

There is a type of enemy in BL2 called a "varkid". Varkids are bug-like aliens which metamorphose and attack you in swarms.
Here's a good diagram:

Varkids start off small and flightless. They can only attack by slashing at you.
If one takes enough damage but doesn't die, it will turn into a cocoon.

If the cocoon doesn't die, an "Adult Varkid" will spawn. These are tougher, able to fly, and able to shoot spit at you.
If you damage one of those enough, the same thing happens; they cocoon and metamorphose into a "Badass Varkid".

Badasses are tougher still, and have a low chance to cocoon. Now, normally you don't want a varkid to cocoon. It means harder enemies. Cocoons are fragile and easily popped, so normally players pop cocoons before the tougher varkids spawn.

But oh no, you gotta let them cocoon to get to Vermivorous.

Let a Badass cocoon and you get a Supreme Badass. These fuckers are seriously powerful and can easily kill you. Worse still, they have a minuscule chance to cocoon.



Not only is this guy fucking massive, but he can down you in one hit from any of his attacks. He can bite you, spit at you, or fire 'varkid missiles' at you.

He takes a very long time to kill.
...But the loot's good. Which is what BL2 is all about.

Moreover, because he's a spawnable boss, you can have more than one Vermivorous spawn at once.


Keep in mind the people in that video are at their highest level and have very good weapons.
I thought he was pathetically easy
The first bit's pretty hard (when you fight him in the arena) but the hovership bit is a joke.

Planet leading up to the boss fight = really hard
Nefarious in the arena bit = hard
Gigantic robot vs. hovership bit = child's play
If you ever play MK3, expect a painful last two battles.

I raged so damn hard on MK3, I even ragequit, which I would almost NEVER do on a MK game.

As for the bad guy, I wouldn't say most difficult, but Andross from the Starfox games was always a pain in the ass.

So was King K.Rool.
When I moved to America from Korea
I picked up Mario and Luigi Super Star Saga and its one of the first games I've played. I had horrible sense of gaming/how to press a button and this guy took 3 hours because english was hard to understand even though I've been learning about it all of my life ;_;
Doom Dragon - Golden Sun 2. Took my all day to prep and then 45 minutes in battle.
Know what? I'm changing my contribution after some thought.
The hardest boss is definitely the Titan Dweevil from Pikmin 2.
It takes several hours gathering the Pikmin needed for this (especially the white), which you then must go through a 14 level cave, each level you have to preserve your precious Pikmin for the final battle against hordes of angry enemies, several of which were bosses from previous areas (this caused several restarts which took the time of the cave run to about 2-3 hours).
Then once you finally meet the final boss, you have the quickly and decisively deploy your Pikmin and stop him from wiping them all out in a single attack. This takes about half an hour in battle as you slowly whittle away at his attacking components, constantly and quickly switching between Pikmin colours to stop them getting electrocuted, drowned, poisoned or incinerated.
Take note, even though the battle takes 30 mins, a single mistake like leaving red Pikmin in just the wrong spot and getting them all drowned will lead to you having to restart the battle FROM THE VERY BEGINNING.
This guy is more aggravating and time consuming than any boss I've ever met, and I'm not ashamed in having the feeling of satisfaction as I watched him pathetically run after you destroy all of his attacking components and leave him defenseless.
The water mask on Crash Bandicoot: Wrath of Cortex. Granted I was at a young age when attempting it taking me two years of agony to beat the aforementioned boss.