The Hardest Boss You've Fought?

Okay. Time for me to add another boss to this list.

Gigantuar (FFXIII)
Lvl. 6
HP 1,111,111
Attack 10,000
Spc. Attack 0
Stagger 777% (Resistance 100)
Fire-Weak Water-Absorb Earth-Weak
Immune to all but Daze, Dispel, and Provoke Debuffs.
This thing has only one attack I've seen so far. He does 10,000 needles. Over. And. Over. Again.
He can deal Fog and Daze damage to, giving him a little extra time to use more needles.
He is encountered on Mission 54.
He has less health than other bosses, but his needles and speed make up for it.
Dream Devourer, Chrono Trigger DS

It can only be reached by going through 3 extra sections after beating the main game (I'm not sure about the exact time that you can go through the sections but I think it's after the main game). Each of the sections are long, difficult and have a shadow version of three of the main protagonists, all of which are difficult to fight. By the time you fight this boss you'll have the best equipment for each character, which you will need. The Dream Devourer has more HP than Lavos (the main antagonist) in his final form. The attacks done by the Dream Devourer do crazy amounts of damage so you'll be healing A LOT. It is guaranteed that you'll need a new game+ team to even stand a chance against this boss. The reward for beating this boss is extremely satisfying. For beating this boss you get a katana known as the Dreamseeker (DS), which is extremely powerful and will get a critical hit 90% of the time.
Damn.... Thinking of a boss to pick is hard. o_o Every boss that I've ever had trouble with has always been the product of me being a dumbass.
Admrial Karath from KOTOR.


The first time I encountered him, it felt impossible to defeat him. I tried so many times, using every combination of resources and weapons that I had at my command and still he and his room of baddies were impossible to overcome. I eventually turned down the difficulty to defeat him. But I redeemed myself later once I beat him again on normal difficulty.

What I loved about KOTOR's combat was how in really difficult fights you had to constantly pause and micromanage you and your teammates to use their skills to the the best of their ability. It made for some very intense and close encounters.
I Wanna Be the Guy Boss Rush (No deaths).

I Wanna Be the Guy is the epitome of trail-and-error platforming. The bosses are just a bonus .:)

EpicNameBro's playthrough of the Dark Soul's DLC. The boss is somewhere near the end of the video.

Controller exploding fun is the only way to describe fighting Manus.
Saxton Hale in Team Fortress 2
One random player on the server is Saxton Hale (or one of the 3 other bosses), everyone else is on the other team.
I've played the "vs Saxton Hale" mode for 4 or 5 hours, and I noticed the boss always wins. Or at least his winning rate is about 90%...

I'm not sure if that counts, but I think Saxton Hale is a boss...
The Elite Four.

Inb4 I learnt about the legendary pokemans.

Spent many hours training Fearow.

Then a wild Gary Oak appears.

Fuck you Gary.
The water mask on Crash Bandicoot: Wrath of Cortex. Granted I was at a young age when attempting it taking me two years of agony to beat the aforementioned boss.
That fucker,
That fucking fucker,
He was so annoying.
All the bosses in that game were inhumane.
I only beat the first one and it took me ages.
Saxton Hale in Team Fortress 2
One random player on the server is Saxton Hale (or one of the 3 other bosses), everyone else is on the other team.
I've played the "vs Saxton Hale" mode for 4 or 5 hours, and I noticed the boss always wins. Or at least his winning rate is about 90%...

I'm not sure if that counts, but I think Saxton Hale is a boss...
More that he has a good 200000 health, a megajump and an instant-kill melee.
He's killable as long as you stay out of melee range. Turrets and backstabs are effective.
That fucker,
That fucking fucker,
He was so annoying.
All the bosses in that game were inhumane.
I only beat the first one and it took me ages.

More that he has a good 200000 health, a megajump and an instant-kill melee.
He's killable as long as you stay out of melee range. Turrets and backstabs are effective.

Indeed, I ended up buying multiple controllers trying to attempt that boss.
Indeed, I ended up buying multiple controllers trying to attempt that boss.
And all those fucking secret passages in those levels that there was no real clue on how to get to


Damn that game was frustrating
And all those fucking secret passages in those levels that there was no real clue on how to get to


Damn that game was frustrating

Indeed, I found the second game to be an even bigger pain in the ass than Wrath of Cortex. never was able to finish it.
I'm not very good at fighting bosses, but the hardest boss I've ever had trouble with is Olga Flow from PSO Episode 2. I mean... I still haven't beaten him, and it's been years. I can get past the Elevator form pretty easy but he one-hit kills me in his second form early on in the second half of the battle. I can't even beat him on easy. It may have in part to do with the fact that it takes me forever to level up in that game.
... And that I decided to play as the worst class for a Hunter in the game (HUnewearl, or a Hunter Female Newman. Newman are basically the mage class of the game, and while they're good Hunters in that they can both attack and heal (but when in this class, aren't particularly great at either), they have the lowest HP/Defense in the game. Can't remember which. It's a challenging class and not one I should have started with. XD)

... his theme is awesome though!
Demonhead Mobster Kingpin, who woulda thought you needed that extra four candy corn from the start of the game.

But in all seriousness some of the bosses in The World Ends With You get ridiculous sometimes.
I am a REALLY bad fighting game player, and I found Heihachi Mishima in Tekken 5 EXTREMELY difficult to beat. (6 months to figure it out)

And don't get me started with Shao Khan from mortal kombat 9...... I started trying in 2012, still can't beat him. o__o