The Homework Thread

You guys are retards.
You guys are retards.

Bit obvious from the very beginning? :shrug:

Doing this now, because I actually know what you want. Will edit shortly.

1. I googled "centroid" because I don't remember which lines that wants. Apparently it wants the "midpoint to opposite vertex" lines. So, let's find the equations of two of these lines.
1a. First we need a midpoint. ((x1+x2/2) , (y1+y2/2)) = ((-3+1)/2 , (15+5)/2) = (-1,10)
1b. Find the line including this sparkly new midpoint, and the unused vertex. This will be one of our centroid lines.
-1,10 5,10
m= ... 0. That was anticlimatic.
Great, the line is x=10. Let's find another line.
How about 1,5 and 5,10. Midpoint time.
1a. (3,15/2)

Why am I doing your homework for you? Here is how you do it. (I think. It has been a while since geometry)
Find midpoint of a line.
Use that midpoint and the remaining vertex to find the equation of a new line. This line will pass through the centroid.
Repeat the last two steps, using either of the two remaining triangle lines (not your new one).
Now you have two new line equations, both of which pass through the centroid. Find where they are equal.
(Solve for a variable, substitute, solve for remaining variable, plug that back into original, you know the drill.)
You now have the cords for the centroid. Congrats.

Second problem in progress...

Oh boy, this looks fun. Maybe a bit easier, though.
Find the slope of a triangle line.
Invert said slope. (m= 2 becomes m= -1/2. Not sure if 'invert' is the correct word. Find the perpendicular slope.)
Find the equation of a line with that slope, containing the third as-of-yet-unused-vertex.
Repeat above steps.
You now have two new lines. They are perpendicular to a triangle line and pass through its opposite vertex.
Find where lines are equal. Same as the last problem.


Helped a lot. :D
In this case there is no solution definite solution for angles a and b if you do not presume that lines AB and DC are parallel. So it's safe to assume thus.
In this case there is no solution definite solution for angles a and b if you do not presume that lines AB and DC are parallel. So it's safe to assume thus.
That's what I thought. Which means a= 145°-b and b=145°-a and c=35°.

The weird thing though is that my teacher won't except that as an answer..

If I do get it wrong, atleast I hope I get half a mark...

Thanks ollee
you got C correct, however, when AB and DC are parallel, the line AC will have matching angles just flip flopped. With that piece of logic we know angle b and can figure that angle a is going to be 180 - b - c.
Yup, they were supposed to be parallel lines. But she took my answer anyway.

View attachment 138694

acceleration = -5m/s

is this right?
idk but Newton's 3 laws are:

1) A robot must never harm a human being
2) A robot must not let a human being come to harm through inaction, unless doing so conflicts with the first law
3) A robot must defend penises
idk but Newton's 3 laws are:

1) A robot must never harm a human being
2) A robot must not let a human being come to harm through inaction, unless doing so conflicts with the first law
3) A robot must defend penises
In I, Robot, the robot could choose whether he defended penises or not, meaning he could break Newton's Third Law and smack niqqas in the phallusparts for big laughs.
idk but Newton's 3 laws are:

1) A robot must never harm a human being
2) A robot must not let a human being come to harm through inaction, unless doing so conflicts with the first law
3) A robot must defend penises
That's Isaac Asimov's 3 laws of robotics..
Isaac Asimov was the guy who discovered gravity when he dropped an apple on his penis.
He went all "Ow, dat thing darn hit ma penis! It must a' be grav-tee!"

Also while we're on it, Charlie Chaplin's theory of relativity, were peanuts really the cause of Chernobyl's nuclear reactor failing in the 15th century?
Isaac Asimov was the guy who discovered gravity when he dropped an apple on his penis.
He went all "Ow, dat thing darn hit ma penis! It must a' be grav-tee!"

Also while we're on it, Charlie Chaplin's theory of relativity, were peanuts really the cause of Chernobyl's nuclear reactor failing in the 15th century?
wtf are you on about?