The legend of Zelda


As the big Zelda fan I am I thought, why not make a thread where others like me can share experience from the different games in the Zelda series, there might be some discussions bout wich is the best Zelda game but thats almost unavoidable.

Any way, this thread is mainly for talking about the different Zelda games, but we could talk bout the timeline ( wich is really confusing ) or some other stuff.
If you dont like Zelda then its your loss.
Never really understood why it's called the legend of zelda, even though zelda is only a small part of the story. Most of it revolves around link...
Any explanation that could enlighten me on this?
Never really understood why it's called the legend of zelda, even though zelda is only a small part of the story. Most of it revolves around link...
Any explanation that could enlighten me on this?
Yeah i´ve never really understood that either but i wouldnt exactly like a name change off the title, feels like it would be an entirely different game somehow

EDIT: there is accually two games ( to my knowledge ) where you play as Zelda, but they are on Philips CD-i so theres no point even to bother checking them out.

Game: A Link To The Past
Console: Super Nintendo Entertainment System

dunno why just seems like a fun thing, to see if i know every title of every Zelda game and wich console it is on.
lets see how well that goes:thumbsup:
I just stopped playing Majoras mask and saw this thread, how awesome.
I still can't understand the timeline, or how any game maker would have a sequel where the hero failed, and another when he triumphed.
Anyway here is a picture of the overly confusing timeline
I just stopped playing Majoras mask and saw this thread, how awesome.
I still can't understand the timeline, or how any game maker would have a sequel where the hero failed, and another when he triumphed.
Anyway here is a picture of the overly confusing timeline
View attachment 93784
yupp, damn this really is confusing.
and to think not even the creators of the Zelda series have a clue makes it even more confusing

Game: Majoras Mask
Console: Nintendo 64

EDIT: i always thought that the back story of Windwaker was that cause Zelda sent Link back to live his lost years as a kid in the end of Ocarina of time he couldnt fight Ganondorf, so instead the three Godesses Din, Nayru and Farore flooded Hyrule to keep Ganondorf trapped under the vast ocean that became of the flood.
so how can Windwaker be a part of the story where Link suceeded in defating Ganondorf in Ocarina of time? :eek:

I mean even if he defeats Ganondorf in Ocarina of time he would "lose" when he travels back to the past and making the things that happened in the future undone, cause he never was put to sleep in the chamber of sages and therefore never missed his childhood. :confused:
I just stopped playing Majoras mask and saw this thread, how awesome.
I still can't understand the timeline, or how any game maker would have a sequel where the hero failed, and another when he triumphed.
Anyway here is a picture of the overly confusing timeline
View attachment 93784
Is it ok to be proud that I can say I have played all those games and beaten all those games except for spirit tracks, phantom hourglass, and skyward sword?
Is it ok to be proud that I can say I have played all those games and beaten all those games except for spirit tracks, phantom hourglass, and skyward sword?
yes it is ok, more than ok, its freaking Epic!!!:D

Edit: I´ve beaten spirit tracks :p
i´ve played all of the games except for The four swords, Links awakening and Phantom hourglass

most of the "older" games i´ve played on emulators but the concept is still the same
another note joe34, is that this timeline is made by a fan, so its just his idéa of the timeline, it doesnt need to be two parts of the later story where he either triumfs or fails.
another note joe34, is that this timeline is made by a fan, so its just his idéa of the timeline, it doesnt need to be two parts of the later story where he either triumfs or fails.
I wish it was made by a fan, but this was how it was officially released by Nintendo
I don't think nintendo has ever released the official Zelda's always been a closely guarded secret
I don't think nintendo has ever released the official Zelda's always been a closely guarded secret
I have´nt heard of Nintendo making a official timeline, either they, as you say mc, keep it a secret or they just cant come up with a good timeline explanation so they just leave it to the fans to make one
LOZ IS MY FAVORITE SERIES IN HISTORY saddly a link skin is so generic in minecraft that i have to go with a mega man skin ;(.