The legend of Zelda

I'm sure I've beaten every single LoZ game out there, and I honestly can't pick a favorite.
  • Ocarina of Time was an amazing game, and had a great influence on adventure games to come.
  • Majora's Mask had great gameplay, an interesting story, and all the monsters/dungeons were well thought out.
  • Wind Waker showcased a beautiful art style, and traveling in the game via boat was cool.
  • Twilight Princess also changed up the graphics to a more dark, realistic style, which was a plus for me. Most people I know really didn't like it as much as other titles, but I enjoyed it.
  • Skyward Sword delivered some nice 1:1 motion controls, but the difficulty of the game dropped substantially from past titles, which disappointed me.
  • I really don't want to explain all the pros and cons for Links Awakening, Four Swords, etc etc etc, but they all were good games. I loved Minish Cap a lot for some reason.:p
  • Phantom Hourglass was ok, but there was nothing over-the-top about it. I would of enjoyed it more if they kept it on the console and not the DS.
  • Spirit Tracks was better, but it had the worst musical instrument ever, the Spirit Flute. The concept was cool, but it was the playing of the flute that was the most frustrating.
I'm probably missing a few important games of the series, but I'll save those for another post!;)
Hi guys, just telling that I finished Skyward Sword yesterday, a little disapointed over the last boss ( Demise ).
He was way to easy, just hit him sometimes, block a few hits, then start stunning him with lightning, hit him some more and hes dead.

One nice thing though is that after you´ve defeated him you get an explanation to why it´s always Link who has to fight Ganondorf ( or any other dude ) and why Zelda always gets captured.
It´s because just before Demise dies he tells you his hatred will never die and that an incarnation of him will come time after time, and that those who has the godesses blood in their veins ( Zelda ) will be bounded to this curse, so shall the godess chosen hero ( Link ) also be.
I miss Zelda now all I see people playing is cod
yeah theres to many people who´s only playing first or third person shooters these days, so few that appreciates all the other good games.
feels like they think *if you dont go around with big guns shooting people, it´s not worth trying* and thats sad:(
I know sometimes I wll say bye to my friends on xbox so I can play Zelda they make fun of it and say it's for nerds WTF
I know sometimes I wll say bye to my friends on xbox so I can play Zelda they make fun of it and say it's for nerds WTF
Yeah I know what you mean, some of my friends say that to.
Can´t they just respect that we like to play Zelda?, I mean we dont tell them they are nerds cause they play certain games that we dont.
I'm sure I've beaten every single LoZ game out there, and I honestly can't pick a favorite.
  • Ocarina of Time was an amazing game, and had a great influence on adventure games to come.
  • Majora's Mask had great gameplay, an interesting story, and all the monsters/dungeons were well thought out.
  • Wind Waker showcased a beautiful art style, and traveling in the game via boat was cool.
  • Twilight Princess also changed up the graphics to a more dark, realistic style, which was a plus for me. Most people I know really didn't like it as much as other titles, but I enjoyed it.
  • Skyward Sword delivered some nice 1:1 motion controls, but the difficulty of the game dropped substantially from past titles, which disappointed me.
  • I really don't want to explain all the pros and cons for Links Awakening, Four Swords, etc etc etc, but they all were good games. I loved Minish Cap a lot for some reason.:p
  • Phantom Hourglass was ok, but there was nothing over-the-top about it. I would of enjoyed it more if they kept it on the console and not the DS.
  • Spirit Tracks was better, but it had the worst musical instrument ever, the Spirit Flute. The concept was cool, but it was the playing of the flute that was the most frustrating.
I'm probably missing a few important games of the series, but I'll save those for another post!;)

I agree with you that Skyward sword is to easy, have not tried in "Hero Mode" yet, should be a bit harder I guess:thumbsup:

I still think the timeline is confusing and think some games are in the wrong place, but who am I to argue with the creators of one of the greatest game francises of all time
Never really understood why it's called the legend of zelda, even though zelda is only a small part of the story. Most of it revolves around link...
Any explanation that could enlighten me on this?
Wikipedia said:
Hearing of American novelist F. Scott Fitzgerald's wife Zelda, Miyamoto thought the name sounded "pleasant and significant".[22] Paying tribute, he chose to name the princess after her, and titled his creation The Legend of Zelda.
Revive because I don't want to make a new thread.

New rumors about Zelda U, I'm guessing it's fake but you never know.

Information has surfaced that Zelda Wii U will be announced at E3 2014. A variety of points about the game has leaked from NDA interviews between Aonuma and various Japanese game magazines that enquired about it at E3.

> The game is using the E3 2011 Tech Demo graphics. The Tech Demo was actually footage from a pre-Alpha version.

> The game is a direct sequel to Twilight Princess.

> The game will be Open World. The player will be able to explore a vast and seamless Hyrule. Around 70% of the development team are solely working on content to fill this Open World. The aim is to make it full of content and have more side-quests, sub-dungeons, and collectibles than any past 3D Zelda.

> Motion controls have been dropped. The game will use the Wii U Game Pad and build off the controls of the GameCube version of Twilight Princess. There will be heavy use of the Game Pad screen in a variety of unique ways.

> There are 10 dungeons. You can play the first five in any order, and when all are complete, you can play the later five in any order. The game now features a term Aonuma calls "Parallel Dungeons". You will have to multi-task between all 5 dungeons to complete them. Solving puzzles in one dungeon will open doors and change the layout of another. Aonuma states that playing through all 5 dungeons simultaneously will feel like one giant Water Temple (from Ocarina of Time).

> Princess Zelda will have a deep involvement in the story. Princess Zelda didn't get much development in Twilight Princess, but many fans have said they loved her detailed costume design. Aonuma wants to rectify this issue by making her character as complex as her elaborate clothes.

> The game began development in Q1 2010, almost two years before Skyward Sword was released. It was being made by a different team than the one that developed Skyward Sword. However, the staff of Skyward Sword have now joined the development head count on Zelda Wii U.

> The game will be the directorial debut of Satoru Takizawa. He previously served as Art Director of Twilight Princess. Aonuma personally feels that, due to Takizawa's experience being in charge of the visuals of Twilight Princess, he's the most qualified staff member to direct a realistic Zelda. Takizawa has worked on every 3D Zelda game since OoT. He designed Ganondorf and all the bosses in OoT, all the bosses in MM, Ganondorf and the Moblin in TWW, and didn't do much on SS as he was moved off the project midway to direct the next realistic Zelda.

> Online co-op that functions like a 3D version of Four Swords is being included as a separate multiplayer feature. The mode will have paid DLC content. This will be in the form of dungeons, powerful enemies, new items, and unique tunics.

> Regarding the scale of the Open World, Aonuma is aiming for it to be on par with Skyrim.

> All the NPCs will be voiced. They will speak in a fictional language that will represent Hylian.

> Aonuma states that the game will definitely be announced in 2014. E3 is the most likely venue, not a Nintendo Direct.
Just saw this thread, working on my 12th play through of Twilight Princess. Beaten both Wind Waker Quests 6 times each. Love these games, beaten every single one (Except the CD-I's but everyone sort of disowned them). My favorite game is either Majora's Mask or Twilight Princess, although I haven't played one I didn't like.
Revive because I don't want to make a new thread.

New rumors about Zelda U, I'm guessing it's fake but you never know.

Information has surfaced that Zelda Wii U will be announced at E3 2014. A variety of points about the game has leaked from NDA interviews between Aonuma and various Japanese game magazines that enquired about it at E3.

> The game is using the E3 2011 Tech Demo graphics. The Tech Demo was actually footage from a pre-Alpha version.

> The game is a direct sequel to Twilight Princess.

> The game will be Open World. The player will be able to explore a vast and seamless Hyrule. Around 70% of the development team are solely working on content to fill this Open World. The aim is to make it full of content and have more side-quests, sub-dungeons, and collectibles than any past 3D Zelda.

> Motion controls have been dropped. The game will use the Wii U Game Pad and build off the controls of the GameCube version of Twilight Princess. There will be heavy use of the Game Pad screen in a variety of unique ways.

> There are 10 dungeons. You can play the first five in any order, and when all are complete, you can play the later five in any order. The game now features a term Aonuma calls "Parallel Dungeons". You will have to multi-task between all 5 dungeons to complete them. Solving puzzles in one dungeon will open doors and change the layout of another. Aonuma states that playing through all 5 dungeons simultaneously will feel like one giant Water Temple (from Ocarina of Time).

> Princess Zelda will have a deep involvement in the story. Princess Zelda didn't get much development in Twilight Princess, but many fans have said they loved her detailed costume design. Aonuma wants to rectify this issue by making her character as complex as her elaborate clothes.

> The game began development in Q1 2010, almost two years before Skyward Sword was released. It was being made by a different team than the one that developed Skyward Sword. However, the staff of Skyward Sword have now joined the development head count on Zelda Wii U.

> The game will be the directorial debut of Satoru Takizawa. He previously served as Art Director of Twilight Princess. Aonuma personally feels that, due to Takizawa's experience being in charge of the visuals of Twilight Princess, he's the most qualified staff member to direct a realistic Zelda. Takizawa has worked on every 3D Zelda game since OoT. He designed Ganondorf and all the bosses in OoT, all the bosses in MM, Ganondorf and the Moblin in TWW, and didn't do much on SS as he was moved off the project midway to direct the next realistic Zelda.

> Online co-op that functions like a 3D version of Four Swords is being included as a separate multiplayer feature. The mode will have paid DLC content. This will be in the form of dungeons, powerful enemies, new items, and unique tunics.

> Regarding the scale of the Open World, Aonuma is aiming for it to be on par with Skyrim.

> All the NPCs will be voiced. They will speak in a fictional language that will represent Hylian.

> Aonuma states that the game will definitely be announced in 2014. E3 is the most likely venue, not a Nintendo Direct.
Hoping to God this is real.