The One Time Wooty Ate A Burger


Well-Known Member
I bought everybody burgers and everyone loved them but Wooty came late 'cause he was studying and he said "Can I haz cheezburger" and I says "Yes, you may haz a cheezburger" and we all ate our burgers and went home and when we were home we went to and since Wooty was late and was a slow eater he was still eating on the Feed (see what I did there?) and then we said "Hey Wooty, finish you're foooood!" and Wooty said "Okay, I will consume the food which has been generously donated toward the worthy cause that is mah belleh! OM NOM NOM" and then Wooty ate Ollee and we said "Noooooooooo!" and then Wooty became the Hulk because of the Nuclear Waste in Ollee's invisible beard and Wooty then beat the living sh*t out of me and I said "Nooooooooo!" and then I died, but with my last ounce of energy I posted this story...
ok, that backs up ollee's mention of facial hair as a health hazard or something of that nature @_@
