The sentence game!

Ok this is how it works..

I will start the game out with a little sentence.
and anyone can then add on to what i said with 1 word..
You must post with each word in order that it originally started.
We are basically forming a huge long random sentence. lol

Everyone who plays please play right.
Its just for fun! Don't ruin the fun!
Lets see where this takes us.


EDIT: title is messed. It's the "sentence game"
What is antidisestablishmentarianism....

(I think this game would go a lot better if the sentence weren't a question)
Riein said:
I like Chavapults (a catapult that shoots Chavs. You're welcome.)

I beat up thugs with_______

You guys don't get it...
It goes like
I like chavapults (add word or put a period and put the first word of the next sentence. It's supposed to get bigger by on word each post)

I like chavapults. They