The TED Thread

Very interesting talk. I think that population growth is definitely a huge issue but I really don't think we have any chance of halting population growth entirely. We can slow it but the population will continue growing as long as there is a large gap between the rich and poor nations.
Very interesting talk. I think that population growth is definitely a huge issue but I really don't think we have any chance of halting population growth entirely. We can slow it but the population will continue growing as long as there is a large gap between the rich and poor nations.
I have 2 genius solutions to solving population growth:
1. Start WWIII
2. Super glue a condom onto every penis.


But seriously population growth is a problem but it will not be a problem for my life time. I am guessing it could be a problem near the early 2100's but no more or less. Cause by that time we will have probably already had a war/space will have said "fuck you" and sent a meteor our direction.
I have 2 genius solutions to solving population growth:
1. Start WWIII
Hmm...I could raise an army of super-reflex gamers, train them to be better soldiers than those that exist, and use Wikipedia to build a few nuclear ballistic missiles. World domination!
2. Super glue a condom onto every penis.
Or since you can't re-use -most- condoms, you could just remove the reproductive organs of every infant and use artificial insemination to continue the human race at a controlled rate. Scary thing? This would actually work and could be done relatively secretly.
But seriously population growth is a problem but it will not be a problem for my life time. I am guessing it could be a problem near the early 2100's but no more or less. Cause by that time we will have probably already had a war/space will have said "fuck you" and sent a meteor our direction.
Population growth is not an issue, but there is a related problem that exists now, whether you realize it or not. Let me break this down for you.

Standing shoulder to shoulder, you could fit every single human on earth (yes, 7B+) into an area the size of Los Angeles; and you would have room to spare. With the world's current production of processed, clean freshwater, you could quench the thirst of 27 Billion adult humans. And with the world's current vegan food production, you could fill the bellies of 15 Billion people.

So what's the problem?

First world countries.

We flush down our toilets enough clean, drinkable water every day to solve the water shortage in the world with extra left over. No, seriously. Every time you flush your toilet you waste more water than you probably drink in a day (unless you have a REALLY efficient toilet).

Lawns in England? They can survive off of rainwater. Lawns in Texas? Not so much. There goes even more water.



Leaving the tap running while you sud the soap on your hands.

Do I have a solution? Yeah, and it's actually one that doesn't involve giving up any of those. Go to and click the big button that says "DONATE". For $25 you will help save a life. To me, that's worth the cost of a new game on Steam.
Hmm...I could raise an army of super-reflex gamers, train them to be better soldiers than those that exist, and use Wikipedia to build a few nuclear ballistic missiles. World domination!

Or since you can't re-use -most- condoms, you could just remove the reproductive organs of every infant and use artificial insemination to continue the human race at a controlled rate. Scary thing? This would actually work and could be done relatively secretly.

Population growth is not an issue, but there is a related problem that exists now, whether you realize it or not. Let me break this down for you.

Standing shoulder to shoulder, you could fit every single human on earth (yes, 7B+) into an area the size of Los Angeles; and you would have room to spare. With the world's current production of processed, clean freshwater, you could quench the thirst of 27 Billion adult humans. And with the world's current vegan food production, you could fill the bellies of 15 Billion people.

So what's the problem?

First world countries.

We flush down our toilets enough clean, drinkable water every day to solve the water shortage in the world with extra left over. No, seriously. Every time you flush your toilet you waste more water than you probably drink in a day (unless you have a REALLY efficient toilet).

Lawns in England? They can survive off of rainwater. Lawns in Texas? Not so much. There goes even more water.



Leaving the tap running while you sud the soap on your hands.

Do I have a solution? Yeah, and it's actually one that doesn't involve giving up any of those. Go to and click the big button that says "DONATE". For $25 you will help save a life. To me, that's worth the cost of a new game on Steam.
In that case my brother waists more water every 5 minutes then he drinks in a week.
So what's the problem?

First world countries.

We flush down our toilets enough clean, drinkable water every day to solve the water shortage in the world with extra left over. No, seriously. Every time you flush your toilet you waste more water than you probably drink in a day (unless you have a REALLY efficient toilet).

Do I have a solution? Yeah, and it's actually one that doesn't involve giving up any of those. Go to and click the big button that says "DONATE". For $25 you will help save a life. To me, that's worth the cost of a new game on Steam.

The thing is that we cannot readily give up our water to give to third world countries so the waste of water only affects the country that the water is in.
Why do videos go viral?

I think that he makes a good point but the one problem that I see in the model is the "Tastemakers" as they are being flooded with content all the time and a lot of really good stuff gets skipped over as it either isn't seen or it is ignored because they think it is just another rubbish video (based on title only).
The thing is that we cannot readily give up our water to give to third world countries so the waste of water only affects the country that the water is in.
More effective plumbing could be implemented so that the costs of purifying water would decrease dramatically. The excess funds from the sudden drop in need for purified water could be used to build water purification plants in areas of the world that need it.

So yes, we actually CAN. We just DON'T.
Toilet water.

They actually have toilets you can buy and install in your home now that use zero water and your watse can be composted. The thing is you need to clean out the compost bin every so often, which not a whole lot of people want to do. I would like to have toilets like this in my house, then I can grow pretty shrubs and stuff around said home. I like bushes.
No sir
All the coastal cities are pretty much like your average American city. Nobody has time for the inner provinces.
I had the better luck to be born in both a coastal city and a former British colony.

Talking about over-population...
when i saw the name of this thread i thought Ted meant: Taco Eating Dinosaur thread. I have been dissapointed