The TED Thread

Let's be realistic here.

I can't get out of bed at 11am.

Thinking about changing the world and managing population is out of my league.

So I fantasize I'm the King of new north Korea and I have a huge-ass castle.

Let's try to keep this thread on topic please....these are interesting talks that lead to interesting discussion...
You know, I had always envisioned growing these in a tank. But printing them, cell by cell? It certainly adds the feel of human manufacturing to nature. I like it.
This actually is an actual favorite of mine, I actually really enjoy this demonstration of actually printing an actual kidney prototype with actual cells that were actually grown from an actual person.
Vor, if I had a dick you would be on it... hop off.

and don't be afraid to laugh :-) it was funny admit it...
If you had a dick, I would be incredibly scared.
Would never want, for a number of ethical reasons.

Apart from the fact that I have a girlfriend, I live a good >20,000k's away from you (thank God!), and I'm actually straight.

Like Projecto.
If you had a dick, I would be incredibly scared.
Would never want, for a number of ethical reasons.

Apart from the fact that I have a girlfriend, I live a good >20,000k's away from you (thank God!), and I'm actually straight.

Like Projecto.

Why vor... why? you need to like totally.... not comment on anything I post... there's no point. seriously.