Think back one year


Well-Known Member
Shiiiiit dude Im fucking booooored so let's converse n shit, entertain me you fuckers

alright so think back in the previous year to the biggest decision you've made and talk about how different your life'd be if you had chosen a different option alight GO
This one day, I decided to go outside....after that my whole life changed. I met people, made friends, fell in love. and then I died.
Was pretty cool I guess
I made a decision to cut back on drinking. I kept to it, and now I have an extra $ 1500 every month. Totally worth it? Sort of.
I made a decision to cut back on drinking. I kept to it, and now I have an extra $ 1500 every month. Totally worth it? Sort of.

You drank on average $50 worth of alcohol every single day every month? That is the only way you spend $1500 a month on alcohol...
Even with pricey booze, that would be at least 750 ml of hard alcohol every day. Not many people can keep that up.
"A man of discretion" I think is the appropriate phrase to describe TheGurw.

Fun Fact: I have actually said

“You have never been more attractive to me than you are right now.”

shortly after being thrown backwards off of a couch by a beautiful lesbian. However, instead of being wedged in between another object and said couch, she satisfied herself with throwing an encyclopedia at my head.
Also, pursuing same female-in-comfortable-shoes (GMV reference, anyone?), I said something very similar to

“Our children will be beautiful and Canadian.”

shortly after having my way-too-drunk self literally thrown over a bar, where I received injuries from shattered glass that resulted in 27 stiches. I said it to the paramedic who asked me what the hell I did.

I think Gurw would agree.
Even with pricey booze, that would be at least 750 ml of hard alcohol every day. Not many people can keep that up.
On average, I would drink 2-3 bottles of $100 scotch every weekend. In addition to that, I'd also go through a couple bottles of liqueur as well; not to mention the mixes (ie. Coke, Pepsi, 7-Up, etc); the occasional case of beer; and some coolers thrown in for good measure. Weekend alcoholic, ftw. Of course, working in construction, I was dry during the week.
Last year, I decided to go for a walk. A little decision turned out to have big consequences. On that walk, I got mugged. Two guys followed me from the ATM and took my wallet. I chose to call the cops, describe them, and then when they were caught, I chose to press charges.
I'd say that's a big decision. The court is derping though and they still haven't gone to trial.
I decided too stop being shy and to stop being that person no one knew about. Nek Minnit: I have made a tonne of great new friends that have helped me through tough times and I am no longer the person that no one knew about. Best decision I have ever made and I don't regret it one bit.
I decided that I can fly...
So I jumped off a cliff and into the sky...

When I hit the ground...
I had a big frown...

For I have not succeeded in flying...
But i have succeeded in dying...