Tried to Sing a thing...


Well-Known Member
So, I realized that we don't have a thread of members trying to sing stoof. (It'll probably die quickly, but whatever)

This morning I was very bored, so I decided to sing/mix something. I'm not a good singer, an even worse mixer, with a $15 webcam mic, but I decided to do it for fun. This was the result. Listen at your own risk.
Constructive criticism is encouraged.

If any of you guys sing random stoof, post it here.

It took me a while to realize this wasn't English.
I was very confused.
But other then that, I don't see anything wrong with it. One part sounds like "suck dick" so that's a plus
And you should probably sing louder, it'll help you hit those notes you have trouble, like not screaming, but it sounds like you're whispering almost, you need to belt it out bbygurl.
u slo bbygurl

Thanks for the positive feedback though, my voice is naturally quiet, and I have to project to even speak on a decent level. I'll try a more powerful song in the future, and maybe that'll push me to sing loudly.
u slo bbygurl

Thanks for the positive feedback though, my voice is naturally quiet, and I have to project to even speak on a decent level. I'll try a more powerful song in the future, and maybe that'll push me to sing loudly.
Well if your voice is naturally quiet, you should probably do the opposite. Sing a song that's supposed to be sung quietly. There is a difference between singing quietly and singing as if you're whispering though. You can sing with a good amount of power but still be quiet, if that makes any sense.
I'm a pro shower singer, so if you want to talk about this any more feel free to PM me so I don't muck up your entire thread.
I really think you should go for it dude. You say you don't have much of a talent for singing, but getting better all comes with more practice, and the first step to getting there is having fun doing it. And, awesomely enough you are :D which makes me enjoy listening to that mix that you have there. I would agree that your voice should resonate off more so you don't come off as shy when you sing to the point where the music muffles your voice, and I also would definitely love to hear more from your covers! I think you started out great :)
Hey, I enjoyed it! Nice job.

What I would work on is your projection. You sound too shy while singing. I'm far from a voice instructor, but I sing every week at school, just practice proper technique and you can definitely build a more full voice.
Some basic tips that have made a difference from me came from my old voice instructor.

1. Posture IS important, whether you think it or not
2. When singing, make sure your abs aren't tightening, it feels weird at first, but you pretty much wanna let your gut hang (if you have one) and your abs should be loose. If you do sing when tightened up, you'll end up sounding whiny and constipated. On the other hand, also don't try to push your abs out, it can also produce an odd sound.
3. Your tongue should generally be touching the bottom of your mouth and be all the way forward.
4. When singing, your adam's apple should be low in your throat. If you don't know how to do this, you pretty much should have that same throat feel as when you're yawning. Don't make the mistake of partially closing your throat while doing this, or you'll end up sounding like fredfredburger.

I dunno, that might not be a help to you at all, I imagine it's alot easier when you have someone there showing you and making sure you're doing it correctly. But keep on practicing, I'd love to hear more from you!
Hey, I enjoyed it! Nice job.

What I would work on is your projection. You sound too shy while singing. I'm far from a voice instructor, but I sing every week at school, just practice proper technique and you can definitely build a more full voice.
Some basic tips that have made a difference from me came from my old voice instructor.

1. Posture IS important, whether you think it or not
2. When singing, make sure your abs aren't tightening, it feels weird at first, but you pretty much wanna let your gut hang (if you have one) and your abs should be loose. If you do sing when tightened up, you'll end up sounding whiny and constipated. On the other hand, also don't try to push your abs out, it can also produce an odd sound.
3. Your tongue should generally be touching the bottom of your mouth and be all the way forward.
4. When singing, your adam's apple should be low in your throat. If you don't know how to do this, you pretty much should have that same throat feel as when you're yawning. Don't make the mistake of partially closing your throat while doing this, or you'll end up sounding like fredfredburger.

I dunno, that might not be a help to you at all, I imagine it's alot easier when you have someone there showing you and making sure you're doing it correctly. But keep on practicing, I'd love to hear more from you!
Yeah but..

Anywho, dang your tips are even helping me to keep in mind posture and discipline when I play instruments. Thanks :D
This is what happens when you guys swell my ego.

I tried to take everyone's advice into consideration. I did notice,(and no, I'm not blaming everything on my mic), my 15 buck webcam mic tends to muffle me a bit, but I tried to sing louder.
Also, I did almost no mixing. My voice is on one track.
There's just something so warming about your voice. I could listen to you sing all day with these mixes. Really keep it up dude. You're great :)
I have the whole weekend alone, so I'll probably post a bunch. xD

Otsukimi Recital next, I've already started it, but I doubt I'll finish it tonight.

Then probably Mono Poisoner, Sarishinohara, or Outer Science.

Practice makes perfect, right?

Not to sound racist.
But fo'rizz
I want to know what you're singing.
I don't know if you're cursing the human race or something.
Not to sound racist.
But fo'rizz
I want to know what you're singing.
I don't know if you're cursing the human race or something.
But my voice is bad in English, I don't know any English songs... I'm not to into music in English (typicalweeabooswag)
But I can assure you, I'm not cursing the human race... Until I sing Outer Science.