Type with your feet

nope..... great 4 me

that's typed with right foot, I used backspace though :( Here's without backpace.

ohhaii guys
i fhgii v be3b nirfy bnqawe nholytthhywq2der bmrtfr4e bn.likookl

Translation from foot language: I give it another try, lol.
Testinng testing one twwo three. I gueszs it's kinda diiffiicult. Big toe control is a godsend.
The annoying part is trying to hold the Shift key down with one scrunched up foot, and press the other key without messing up. Heaven forbid you accidentally press the Capslock by mistake, and type the rest of this out, without looking up to check. >.>; My toes feel like they are going to lock in this pose forever.

Easier than it was before, but I do not like twitchy toes.
Thisd vwas dclasssierr tyhyann I thouught

but then ahygain I used a lap[grtop

dclaassierr is meant to be easier....