Video game achievement bragging thread


*banned at the moment I was taking a screenshot
*banned for hacking, while not hacking
*appeal made and un-banned the same day
*dat score

*banned at the moment I was taking a screenshot
*banned for hacking, while not hacking
*appeal made and un-banned the same day
*dat score
I've been called out on Republic Commando for hacking on multiple occasions.
Scrubs don't know to aim for the head.
Time for Dota 2! The most played game on Steam which somehow nobody here even plays!

One of my proudest moments carrying some scrubs to victory in an hour long game even when everyone else was feeding. Enemy took down two of our raxes (inhibitors, and they don't respawn either) but we managed to defend the bot lane and turn it around.

On my team I usually play hard support or offlane (somewhat similar to top/bruiser) but sometimes I go mid or carry
Was able to do this in Arkham Asylum a couple of years ago

Could not for the life of me do it in Arkham City however

The first game I officially 100% on Steam. This was a few months ago, actually. I had forgotten this thread existed. ._.;