Voltz Server

Everything is still broken, though less broken than previously stated. I'm working on it, a bunch of stuff has to be updated manually, and I had to overwrite the configs so I have to go through and make sure all the stuff I disabled is disabled again, and none of the item/block/etc IDs are the same, and that they're still the same as they used to be.....this isn't actually hard, it's just a time sucker.
So if all the block ID's have changed...will all the items be messed up?
I take it that's what you're working on.

I think he was tired when he wrote that and miswrote what he did write. If you look later, he says, "and that they're still the same as they used to be," in regard to block IDs. In any event, I hope for a clarification.
I think he was tired when he wrote that and miswrote what he did write. If you look later, he says, "and that they're still the same as they used to be," in regard to block IDs. In any event, I hope for a clarification.
Nope. Read it again.
So if all the block ID's have changed...will all the items be messed up?
I take it that's what you're working on.
Clarification: I'm both checking that the IDs are the same as they used to be so that nothing in-game changes, and that none of the blocks are using the same IDs as other blocks (this is an issue that came up the last time I updated the server that resulted in the first problem occurring).
Nope. Read it again.

Clarification: I'm both checking that the IDs are the same as they used to be so that nothing in-game changes, and that none of the blocks are using the same IDs as other blocks (this is an issue that came up the last time I updated the server that resulted in the first problem occurring).

The clarity of your first post is lacking.
Really? Perhaps I'm just jaded. Regardless, that is what I am doing. And what is taking so long.

I suppose it depends on if one takes "same" to mean same from the old IDs in both instances of the use. Say, all the block IDs have the same values before the update as after. Similar would have probably been a better word to have used and would make more sense in place of the first same in your original post.

Anyway, thanks for working on getting this up for us.
I suppose it depends on if one takes "same" to mean same from the old IDs in both instances of the use. Say, all the block IDs have the same values before the update as after. Similar would have probably been a better word to have used and would make more sense in place of the first same in your original post.

Anyway, thanks for working on getting this up for us.
Similar would not have worked. Engrish, eh boi?
Server is now working again. I don't think anything is broken/missing....with the exception of all BlastCraft-related blocks and items. This is something you'll have to get used to, as the developer of BlastCraft will not be allowing use of his mod in the Voltz pack any longer. Let me know if anything else is missing/broken, and I'll try to fix it.

☑ crabbie1 added to the whitelist.
☑ lukeperson6 added to the whitelist
☑ thexraptor added to the whitelist
☐ IncognitoLens, please fill out the full application. Thanks.
Those of you added, expect a PM shortly with the IP. Cheers.

The Hall of Records is officially open, the location of the entrance will be added to the OP within 4 hours (I need to transcribe some stuff into the in-game Rules of Engagement book, and I'm having lunch with a friend soon).
Server is now working again. I don't think anything is broken/missing....with the exception of all BlastCraft-related blocks and items. This is something you'll have to get used to, as the developer of BlastCraft will not be allowing use of his mod in the Voltz pack any longer. Let me know if anything else is missing/broken, and I'll try to fix it.

☑ crabbie1 added to the whitelist.
☑ lukeperson6 added to the whitelist
☑ thexraptor added to the whitelist
☐ IncognitoLens, please fill out the full application. Thanks.
Those of you added, expect a PM shortly with the IP. Cheers.

The Hall of Records is officially open, the location of the entrance will be added to the OP within 4 hours (I need to transcribe some stuff into the in-game Rules of Engagement book, and I'm having lunch with a friend soon).
☑ kaygee12 added to the whitelist - he's an IRL friend of mine.

EDIT: Hall of Records opened, OP updated
1. How much experience you have with the modpack
Actually I don't have any at the moment so I'll be easy pickins' :-D

2. What parts of the modpack you are specifically interested in

3. If there are any portions of the modpack you'd like to see specifically disabled (assuming they are able to be disabled)
IDK the modpack so nope.

4. If PvP is a thing you like (I ask because, well, plasma guns and missiles)
yep pvp can be enjoyable...

5. Any other compatible mods you'd like to see added on to the server
idk if it's compatible, but another server I play on has a mod for "Star Gates" Think nether portal's, but linked so you can use them to travel to different places. It's truly lovely! You can also set it up with special code's and what not for each player. :-D

6. Any Bukkit Plugins you'd like to see
idk if it's bukkit but the one I mentioned ^^^

7. Your IGN
jmal77 - same as forums :-D
☑ jmal77 added to the whitelist.

Expect a PM with the IP shortly. Remember to follow the instructions in the OP for updating to the DEV version.
is it just me or is any else having issue's? I'm thinking it's just my system's inability to run it.