What are you currently reading?


I've been reading this off and on, it's hard to find the time...
I've actually been reading some independently created novels from WattPad. Not too bad there's a lot of good writers out there. Can't go wrong with free books :)
People's History of the United States is an eye opener for sure. It's one of the books that has helped mold my current political beliefs.

So far history books just depress me, humans are pretty good at being crappy, however for the purposes of putting present events into perspective, it is a valuable tool me thinks.

Have you read anything of Jared Diamond? "Guns, Germs and Steel" and "Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed", are they any good? I have been meaning to get them soon, they seem like important topics.
My wife actually bought Guns Germs and Steel and read some of it and found it to be boring. I haven't tried to read it myself, I suppose I should at least give it a shot. I can't say I've heard of the other book, though it does sound familiar.

A book on history that I read and enjoyed is Doris Kearns Goodwin's "Team of Rivals". It's a detailed chronology of Abraham Lincoln's presidency. Obviously the ending is tragic, but it still left me feeling good.
Its up to 42... I'm getting impatient waiting for 43 to be released :D
But I know what you mean, the damned thing is longer than a lot of published books I've seen
I once got someone to read all 42 chapters, They surrendered thier life for 3 days to that fanfic.
So far history books just depress me, humans are pretty good at being crappy, however for the purposes of putting present events into perspective, it is a valuable tool me thinks.

Have you read anything of Jared Diamond? "Guns, Germs and Steel" and "Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed", are they any good? I have been meaning to get them soon, they seem like important topics.

"Collapse" is an awesome read. It puts in concise terms and examples of how our social/political/environmental decisions can screw us or allow us to succeed. Unfortunately, I haven't gotten around to "Guns, Germs, and Steel" (which was written first).

Since you're a science major, I also recommend "The Selfish Gene" by Richard Dawkins, which puts forth the idea that genes are actively competing against one another, how organisms that carry these genes are influenced by this genetic competition, and ways we can overcome our biological defects. It's very interesting if you are an evolutionary biologist/sociologist.

"Hot, Flat, and Crowded" by Thomas Friedman is a great read if you're a practical environmentalist (I take it from your name that you have some interest in environmental issues :) ). Friedman elucidates how environmental issues will be a major player in a world with rising populations and shrinking resources.

Another book by Friedman called "Longitudes and Attitudes" opened up my eyes to why the Middle East always seems fraught with problems. It was written before the recent Arab Spring, so it seems a little antiquated now, but there's still a deep history about the Middle East that is rarely seen.

I hope you like my suggestions, and see ya around!
I once got someone to read all 42 chapters, They surrendered thier life for 3 days to that fanfic.
Best 3 days of their life I reckon

I really cant wait to see what happens to "the tree"

Kkat says the chapter should be done around Thanksgiving... I damn well hope so