What are you eating?!

I don't mean to derail but HOW to Asian keyboards even work? With so many symbols!?!
Japanese keyboards are simple enough. :p
Type the romanized version, and it will convert it as you are typing. Typing watashi will make it go to わたし as you type each syllable. :)

Bratwurscht ist das geilste.

Bratwurst is the very best.
Ich liebe Bratwurst <3. Ich aß eine bratwurst gestern.
Pardon the horrible german. Bit rusty. ;)
Japanese keyboards are simple enough. :p
Type the romanized version, and it will convert it as you are typing. Typing watashi will make it go to わたし as you type each syllable. :)

Ich liebe Bratwurst <3. Ich aß eine bratwurst gestern.
Pardon the horrible german. Bit rusty. ;)
Your sentence is grammatically right, but nobody talks like this. You'd rather say:
Ich habe eine gestern eine bratwurst gestern gegessen.

I like limburger cheese but I have to handle it with rubber gloves. That smell stays on your hands for like 3 days... Never tried durian though. I would really like to.