What is Your Fave Minecraft Item

as you know, there are videos where this guy who calls himself SkyDoesMinecraft, and he has this huge YouTube series where he does a heap of stuff, and his fav minecraft item is "butter". (gold ingot)

So I wanna know what your favourite Minecraft items are.

EDIT: Also try to explain WHY you like the item.
My favourite item in Minecraft item is fire, as you can see in my profile picture, I am standing in a fire shrine that I made, and there's fire and nether-related stuff in it. I like fire because it's a good method for easy cooking stuff, like if you put a chicken in a fire, you will get roast chicken! And that is why I like fire.

EDIT: Also, I like fire becuase of many items in other video games related to fire.
I don't know why, but I really like Lapis Lazuli Ore blocks. Not the lapis itself, not the lapis blocks, but the lapis ore blocks. Not really sure why, but I like running into them when I'm mining, almost more than diamond ore blocks.
Ehhh, I like fish, potatoes, nether wart, mushrooms... natural stuff like that.

Also, wrong section.
Beese's Cum Pie.

It's an item with a double-entendre and it really tastes good.
