When a man... hits a woman... or what I like to call... equality.

So you're saying that the man should go out of his way (allowing the situation to possibly escalate), rather than just knock her out and get it over with?

I think everything should be met with immediate, potent consequences.

I've gone my entire life without ever getting in a fight. It really isn't hard to do.
Depends on your situation.

Punching someone in the face so hard they get knocked out is never the best option. If you have the size, strength, and speed to restrain someone rather than hit them, that's a better option, even if it means you're more likely to end up with a few bruises.
Guys, I'm gonna tell you all a story.

So, I was in middleschool and I was in the cafeteria carrying my lunch tray back to my table when this kid who didn't like me came up to me and knocked the tray out of my hands, sending my lunch everywhere.
You wanna know what I did to him? Huh? I'll tell you what I did to him.

I apologized to him for whatever I had done to make him knock my lunch all over the floor, picked up the mess, and went and bought a new lunch.
That's right, I showed that panzy who not to mess with.
Just curious, how much more "equal" can women get to men? Don't they both have the exact same rights from the Constitution? Same laws, same rules? If they are talking about things such as a male manager paying male workers more money than females, isn't that just the male manager's way of paying people? I mean, if the woman doesn't like how she gets paid, can't she just get another job? Also, I believe pro PRO feminists (arrest this man he is raping me with his eyes) to give legitimate arguements that can't easily be countered such as "put a retraint on men because they are rapist pigs". Clearly, they have no idea how males are also victims of rape. If I offended anyone, sorry, but seriously. If you're going to make a big deal about "equal rights for women", put up some easy to find and hard to counter arguements.
Well, to be fair, it's not like he's being ridiculous.

Managers are allowed to pay their workers individually what they want.(above minimum wage)

The state of the economy making it difficult to find jobs doesn't change anything.

As awful as this sounds, especially with companies having to deal with Obamacare, the women are (supposedly) a good place to get some nice money back into the company's pocket.
Just curious, how much more "equal" can women get to men? Don't they both have the exact same rights from the Constitution? Same laws, same rules? If they are talking about things such as a male manager paying male workers more money than females, isn't that just the male manager's way of paying people? I mean, if the woman doesn't like how she gets paid, can't she just get another job? Also, I believe pro PRO feminists (arrest this man he is raping me with his eyes) to give legitimate arguements that can't easily be countered such as "put a retraint on men because they are rapist pigs". Clearly, they have no idea how males are also victims of rape. If I offended anyone, sorry, but seriously. If you're going to make a big deal about "equal rights for women", put up some easy to find and hard to counter arguements.

Equality by law does not equal to Equality in reality. There's an undeniable social stigma placed upon men who retaliate against women that have struck them, but a lack of aforementioned stigma when those of the same gender fight back.
companies having to deal with Obamacare
Companies do just fine paying health coverage here, and the premiums are drastically higher than the ones imposed by Obamacare. If you honestly believe that this is any sort of reason to cut wages, you are a fucking idiot and you lose all of my respect.
Companies do just fine paying health coverage here, and the premiums are drastically higher than the ones imposed by Obamacare. If you honestly believe that this is any sort of reason to cut wages, you are a fucking idiot and you lose all of my respect.
Oh, you're right. It more often causes employers to cut hours and cease hiring. I work for a restaurant who only has 4 bussers who all work part time. That way they avoid having to pay insurance due to Obamacare that they would otherwise have to pay if say, they had three bussers working full time (full time is considered 32 hours a week apparently). And that's coming straight from my manager.
Equality by law does not equal to Equality in reality. There's an undeniable social stigma placed upon men who retaliate against women that have struck them, but a lack of aforementioned stigma when those of the same gender fight back.
This entirely... I mean how do you react when there is an article of a female teacher rapes a male student, and then think of how you react when a male teacher rapes a female student. Even in legal regards we see a few cases here and there that have more leniency towards a female antagonist. It's a sad truth that equality is a rough circumstance to adhere to in a proper public forum. Honestly though, we're all human and there's your equality :).

P.S. Sorry for the most extreme example of inequality, but it is the most prevalent to inequality that we commonly see on the news.
Oh, you're right. It more often causes employers to cut hours and cease hiring. I work for a restaurant who only has 4 bussers who all work part time. That way they avoid having to pay insurance due to Obamacare that they would otherwise have to pay if say, they had three bussers working full time (full time is considered 32 hours a week apparently). And that's coming straight from my manager.
Businesses using that as an excuse to save money are full of shit, and I don't care who told you what. Every single company in Canada pays premiums for healthcare and health insurance. Every. Single. One. And they do just fine, without cutting hours or dropping wages.

Obamacare only affects the way an employer runs their business if they're fucking idiots. In which case, said business isn't gonna be doing much, and I'm honestly surprised it managed to stay open this long.
Last night I had to physically restrain one particularly inebriated young woman as she attempted to take swings at another inebriated young woman. I got punched in the face.

I punched back.

I have combat training that outweighs drunken bitch hate. She went down. Her friend called the cops on me, laughing that I was gonna go to jail forever....

Cops laughed and told me they weren't even going to bother taking me down to the station for a statement, 'cause witnesses all agreed I was physically assaulted while trying to prevent the woman from physically assaulting someone else. I love my city.

What city do you live in?
Companies do just fine paying health coverage here, and the premiums are drastically higher than the ones imposed by Obamacare. If you honestly believe that this is any sort of reason to cut wages, you are a fucking idiot and you lose all of my respect.
I don't, I'm just basically throwing out the things that I've heard.

That way I can get a responce like this--minus the second half of course.

I didn't really know too much about the Obamacare deal, so I was just tossing out what I heard so someone could educate me, is all.

Have some faith, Gurw. D:
What city do you live in?
I don't, I'm just basically throwing out the things that I've heard.

That way I can get a responce like this--minus the second half of course.

I didn't really know too much about the Obamacare deal, so I was just tossing out what I heard so someone could educate me, is all.

Have some faith, Gurw. D:
I have no faith. Only research.
Businesses using that as an excuse to save money are full of shit, and I don't care who told you what. Every single company in Canada pays premiums for healthcare and health insurance. Every. Single. One. And they do just fine, without cutting hours or dropping wages.

Obamacare only affects the way an employer runs their business if they're fucking idiots. In which case, said business isn't gonna be doing much, and I'm honestly surprised it managed to stay open this long.
Unfortunately, companies DO cut hours here. Maybe Canadaland doesn't have as many greedy butts, I don't know, but here, people would rather have hours be cut so they don't have to give benefits than cut their own wages. Because god forbid it if they can't afford a new yacht every time they want one.

But I believe your point is saying that that's not due to Obamacare, which, I agree with you. Companies have long done that before Obamacare. They do do it more now, but that's a result of a poor economy and "Oh no, we can't afford as much as we can, better cut benefits so I don't have to lose my shiny <insert unnecessary item here>", not directly Obamacare.
Unfortunately, companies DO cut hours here. Maybe Canadaland doesn't have as many greedy butts, I don't know, but here, people would rather have hours be cut so they don't have to give benefits than cut their own wages. Because god forbid it if they can't afford a new yacht every time they want one.

But I believe your point is saying that that's not due to Obamacare, which, I agree with you. Companies have long done that before Obamacare. They do do it more now, but that's a result of a poor economy and "Oh no, we can't afford as much as we can, better cut benefits so I don't have to lose my shiny <insert unnecessary item here>", not directly Obamacare.
To me, this is just a perk of being at the top of the ladder.

I'll likely be subject to it when I enter the workforce, but apparently the people doing it to me played their cards better.
Unfortunately, companies DO cut hours here. Maybe Canadaland doesn't have as many greedy butts, I don't know, but here, people would rather have hours be cut so they don't have to give benefits than cut their own wages. Because god forbid it if they can't afford a new yacht every time they want one.

But I believe your point is saying that that's not due to Obamacare, which, I agree with you. Companies have long done that before Obamacare. They do do it more now, but that's a result of a poor economy and "Oh no, we can't afford as much as we can, better cut benefits so I don't have to lose my shiny <insert unnecessary item here>", not directly Obamacare.
Pretty much. Obamacare just provided another lame excuse. See, here, we have laws against that sort of thing, and a government body (that is surprisingly efficient and effective for a government body) that enforces those laws.
Pretty much. Obamacare just provided another lame excuse. See, here, we have laws against that sort of thing, and a government body (that is surprisingly efficient and effective for a government body) that enforces those laws.
The issue with the United States is that we have such a large and diverse population, that would see the implementation of any such law that would prevent this from happening as "restricting freedom" or "socialism" or "satanic."

It really is stupid.
To me, this is just a perk of being at the top of the ladder.

I'll likely be subject to it when I enter the workforce, but apparently the people doing it to me played their cards better.
Didn't realize cutting wages/benefits of people trying to survive just so you can have 12 vacation homes can be called a "perk".
Didn't realize cutting wages/benefits of people trying to survive just so you can have 12 vacation homes can be called a "perk".
Perk: a good thing that you have or get because of your situation

The people that can exercise abuse this obviously did something right, or knew someone right to put them in this position. If the laws allow for it, then there's obviously nothing wrong with it...right?
The thing is, Obama care is restricting freedom and entirely unconstitutional. "Buy the government's healthcare or pay a fine".