Who on T9K is a Whovian?

I don't consider myself a massive Whovian, as I've only watched from the 9th incarnation, but I do enjoy Doctor Who.
I'm genuinely surprised by this statement. This would seem like just the thing that would totally flip your skirt. And I mean that literally.
You aren't? What even. This is totally up your skidmark. I mean asscrack. I mean alley, damnit!

from everything I have read and heard about it....I genuinely believe I would love it....just have not watched a single episode ever, which is on my to do list.....I also need to find time to watch firefly and serenity.....srsly I am a tad behind.
from everything I have read and heard about it....I genuinely believe I would love it....just have not watched a single episode ever, which is on my to do list.....I also need to find time to watch firefly and serenity.....srsly I am a tad behind.

You've not seen Firefly, either??

You've not seen Firefly, either??


I really haven't......and I know I need to.....just have not done it yet.....but again, it is on netflix and on my to do list of things to watch.

speaking of which......I have no clue where I should start with Dr. who.....there is a ton of stuff to watch....anybody want to point me to where I should start?
I really haven't......and I know I need to.....just have not done it yet.....but again, it is on netflix and on my to do list of things to watch.

speaking of which......I have no clue where I should start with Dr. who.....there is a ton of stuff to watch....anybody want to point me to where I should start?
While generally agreed upon that the first season is noteworthy for sucking serious ass, it's as good a place as any to start. I personally have never watched any episode, and never intend to. I'm happy with the claim that I, who has never watched an episode, knows more about the Doctor than most Whovians.
You free Saturday?
Godliberator is a whovian to be. and a browncoat to be.

Start with the Doctor Who season 1 on netflix. Thats Ecc...he's not my favorite but, in the end, you will appreciate Smith and Tennant 10 times more having seen that first season. And he's not BAD...just not my favorite.
There are several more Whovians here. If you had done a quick search, you would find a couple of Doctor Who threads already made here, but would have required some serious necro bumpage. It's a double-edged sword sometimes, necro bumping. Also, there's this thing, which I enjoyed:

My god that's awesome xD.
I would blame my parents for my love of all things scifi. But I love all things scifi so I can't blame them. The first thing I saw that was Doctor Who related was an american special. I don't remember when it was release. I know I was a little kid and we were still using VHS. But I remember sitting and watching it with my parents. Then they announced the new series and we all sat and watched that. I've seen some older stuff when I was younger, can't remember it all that clearly though. Will probably have to invest some time in sitting down and rewatching what I can. I know my library has all the available Doctor Who stuff on DVD. Also own some of the books and other toyish nonsense. :D
Well then, I must be the only Whovian here that obsesses over the Classic Series xD.
Classic series is great, I've seen every episode.
Well, that's a stretch. I didn't see the first three Doctors.

But I really like scarves.