Who on T9K is a Whovian?

You should talk to Pyrhos.
He's always talking about Doctor Who.

And yes, I am a Whovian.
Well Pyrhos better be a classic whovian or I shall forever be without someone to discuss awesome classic episodes and fangirl over Peter Davison.

And it's good there's whovians here :3.
i used to watch the old Whos from the early 80s, then saw most of the first 2 seasons when they brought it back recently. Still love the show. i really have to catch up, tho. =]
EPIC Revival! Yes, Sorry i did not see this sooner, I am a Classic aswell as New Who fanatic. What classic Doctor is your favourite? Mine is Peter Davidson, he can save the world with a stick of celery, so boss
i would have expected more whovain's on here but i've been watching bbca's specials on every doctor from beginning to the 11th
Hey, FYI for everywhovian, 31 days left until Doctor Who returns to our TVs! Wohoo! Clara and the Doctor are waiting, are you?
I have a countdown timer running. Just FYI, i WILL invent a TARDIS and a sonic screwdriver... you can count on it.
I have only seen a couple episodes, but i really like the show and am going to watch the other seasons. So count me as a Whovian!!
I am not sure if I'll be able to watch any Doctor Who. Since I live with my grandparents, my grandfather has free reign over the tv.

And he has likened Doctor Who to some sort of Satanic Cult thing, since my parents are Whovians, (he hates my dad and my mother was a HS dropout at that time (the Doctor Who club folks that she was in with convinced her to finish High School) )

He's one to talk, the racist fuck.
I am not sure if I'll be able to watch any Doctor Who. Since I live with my grandparents, my grandfather has free reign over the tv.

And he has likened Doctor Who to some sort of Satanic Cult thing, since my parents are Whovians, (he hates my dad and my mother was a HS dropout at that time (the Doctor Who club folks that she was in with convinced her to finish High School) )

He's one to talk, the racist fuck.
Watch it on netflix? You can stream it online.
The clock ticks down till the TARDIS touches Earth ground again, or maybe not. The Doctor could be around the world right now, saving us all...
after watching some of the doctor who specials, wow such change look ar cybermen in the first doctors time then the 10th or 11th doctors time...i usually dont watch episodes that old of anything my favorite show or not, the doctor(s) broke that rule