Xbox 720 may be Always Online


Well-Known Member
I would just love to bring some attention to this. or this bullshit would be a better way to describe it.

Now, after a while of all these rumors going around with the whole 720 vs ps4 and the 720 being always online it has either been entirely confirmed or will be changed because of this if they don't get their heads out of their asses(also lets not forgot the recent second hand games wont workmention). But recently, Microsoft creative director Adam Orth made tweets about the subject and I really can not believe if he is joking in these tweets or full on serious, including the last one.


A man also made a video ranting about the recent tweets and made some excellent points about these statements

If you can stand to hear the man scream for 4 minutes he still makes excellent points...besides the xbox destroying part..and the crying..but side from it he has a reason to be livid about these reasons.

Even after the whole Sim City fiasco I think people are pretty much fed up with DRM and always online bs and would probably be enough for me to not buy it simply because If I'm gonna have this system for another 4 years or so, I dont wanna rely on my internet to make sure it works.
Honestly, I'm going to lose a lot of faith in Microsoft if the 720 is always online. Haven't we learnt from the problems Diablo 3 and Sim City were plauged by, or the extraordinary hate against DRM. Hell, Always Online is, for the most part, unfeasible for those who live in Countries such as Australia.
Honestly, I'm going to lose a lot of faith in Microsoft if the 720 is always online. Haven't we learnt from the problems Diablo 3 and Sim City were plauged by, or the extraordinary hate against DRM. Hell, Always Online is, for the most part, unfeasible for those who live in Countries such as Australia.
The thing is, the always online for Diablo 3 and SimCity actually make sense. Diablo 3 has a thing where you can sell items for REAL money. They did that to prevent cheating to get rare items to sell. SimCity is multiplayer. You can argue they should have a singleplayer, but it's multiplayer.

A console on the other hand, being always online, makes no sense at all. It's like making it so you can't use your stove unless it's connected to the internet.
The thing is, the always online for Diablo 3 and SimCity actually make sense. Diablo 3 has a thing where you can sell items for REAL money. They did that to prevent cheating to get rare items to sell. SimCity is multiplayer. You can argue they should have a singleplayer, but it's multiplayer.

A console on the other hand, being always online, makes no sense at all. It's like making it so you can't use your stove unless it's connected to the internet.

Regardless on whether it made sense or not, I was talking specifically about the problems that they were plagued by because of their always online feature. Anyway, Diablo 3's problems could have been solved by splitting up the accounts for singleplayer/multiplayer to restrict any form of cheating involving the Real Life Money store.
Regardless on whether it made sense or not, I was talking specifically about the problems that they were plagued by because of their always online feature. Anyway, Diablo 3's problems could have been solved by splitting up the accounts for singleplayer/multiplayer to restrict any form of cheating involving the Real Life Money store.
but that would be pretty sucky in Diablo 3 to do that, having to have a single player character and then another that you can only play with other people.

Plus, the point of that is that everything is processed on their servers. even if you hacked the game to play offline, there wouldn't be any enemies to fight, thus no items.
but that would be pretty sucky in Diablo 3 to do that, having to have a single player character and then another that you can only play with other people.

Plus, the point of that is that everything is processed on their servers. even if you hacked the game to play offline, there wouldn't be any enemies to fight, thus no items.

You do have a point, however the cons outweigh the pros (Generally) when a game is set into always online and I don't see the console fairing any better.
This is hilarious. The thing that's even funnier, all the Micro$oft sheep will still buy the 720 when they could just build a PC and have the best experience possible. Besides Nintendo, the only reason consoles are still a thing is because of people being uninformed, and the exclusives that are just getting progressively worse.
This is hilarious. The thing that's even funnier, all the Micro$oft sheep will still buy the 720 when they could just build a PC and have the best experience possible. Besides Nintendo, the only reason consoles are still a thing is because of people being uninformed, and the exclusives that are just getting progressively worse.

We should note at this stage they are still only rumors, and it may all just be a PR stunt, hopefully.
We should note at this stage they are still only rumors, and it may all just be a PR stunt, hopefully.

Hopefully it is. I still plan on getting a 720 so I can at least play online and offline with my irl friends. They're mostly COD drones sadly.
I'd like to point out... he did not say that the next XBox required always on. He simple inquired why people make a big deal out of always connected devices/software, particularity a console.

I can imagine check-ins being for online purchased games, with their still being a physical drive. If they go driveless, then I don't know.

If they go drive-less, and require internet, then this simply isn't the console for you. While Microsoft wants to make the consumer happy, they have to protect their profits. That seems to be the bigger picture that everyone else misses. Piracy is a very big deal on XBox, and because of that, this is what it comes down to.

All this ranting just causes rampant fear and bad pre-order numbers. Wait until you hear the official console specs, until then, shut the front door.
Well Xbox had a good run while it lasted...

No need for rustled jimmies.

Just use that money you would have spent on the 720 for a brand new PC.

No tears now. Only dreams.
Well Xbox had a good run while it lasted...

No need for rustled jimmies.

Just use that money you would have spent on the 720 for a brand new PC.

No tears now. Only dreams.

It will still have a good run, because the console market is very large. Will it do better than PS4? I'm not very sure of that. Intel is about to kill off custom PCs once we hit the Broadwell chips, so enjoy it while it lasts.
It will still have a good run, because the console market is very large. Will it do better than PS4? I'm not very sure of that. Intel is about to kill off custom PCs once we hit the Broadwell chips, so enjoy it while it lasts.
Hang on,

Explain please,
In Vorsprung terms